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Vocable Translation
multi/multae/multa, AO Adjective much, many
a, ab+Abl. Preposition by, of, from
abhinc Adverb (1.) since, ago, in past, from this time, hencefo…
abeō, abīs, abire IR, abii, abitum Verb to go away, depart
accuso, accusas, accusare A, accusavi, accusatum Verb accuse, indict
adhuc Adverb yet, so far, still, thus far, till now, to this p…
adiuvo, adiuvas, adiuvare A, adiūvi, adiūtum Verb help
admoveo, admoves, admovere E, admovi, admotum Verb move up, bring up/near, lean on, conduct, draw ne…
adsum Phrase I am here
advenio, advenis, advenire I, adveni, adventum Verb come to, arrive, arrive at, reach, be brought, de…
aedificium, aedificii [n.] O Noun building, house
aestas, aestatis [f.] C Noun summer
aestus, aestus [m.] U Noun agitation, passion, seething, raging, boiling, he…
ager, agri [m.] O Noun field, ground, farm, land, estate, park, territor…
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
agnosco, agnoscis, agnoscere C, agnovi, agnitum Verb recognize, realize, discern, acknowledge, claim, …
albatus/albata/albatum, AO Adjective clothed in white
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid Pronoun anyone, anything, something, someone
aliter Adverb otherwise, differently, in any other way [aliter …
alter Adjective the_one ... the_other (alter ... alter), otherwise
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb love
ambulo, ambulas, ambulare A, ambulavi, ambulatum Verb go, walk
amica, amicae [f.] A Noun friend (f.)
amicus, amici [m.] O Noun friend (m.)
ancilla, ancillae [f.] A Noun maid, female slave, slave woman
animus, animi [m.] O Noun sense, mind, bravery, soul, spirit, courage, heart
antea Adverb before, before this, formerly, previously, in the…
antiquus/antiqua/antiquum, AO Adjective ancient, old-time, antique
aperio, aperis, aperire I, aperui, apertum Verb open, appear
appareo, appares, apparere E, apparui, apparum Verb appear, come out, become clear, become evident
appello, appellas, appellare A, appellavi, appellatum Verb call, appeal, supplicate
appropinquo, appropinquas, appropinquare A, appropinquavi, appropinquatum Verb approach, near, converge
apud Preposition at, with, among, at the house of, in the presence…
aqua, aquae [f.] A Noun water
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
arcus, arcus [m.] U Noun bow, arc, coil, arch, rainbow, anything arched or…
area, areae [f.] A Noun area
arripio, arripis, arripere M, arripui, arreptum Verb take hold of, seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch, ar…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
ascendo, ascendis, ascendere C, ascendi, ascensum Verb climb, go/climb up, mount, scale, mount up, embar…
atque Conjunction (1.) and (2.) and also (3.) and moreover
atrium, atrii [n.] O Noun atrium, reception hall in a Roman house, auction …
attonitus/attonita/attonitum, AO Adjective astonished, fascinated, lightning/thunder-struck,…
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
aureus/aurea/aureum, AO Adjective (1.) golden, of gold (2.) golden (3.) golden, of …
auriga, aurigae [m.] A Noun charioteer, driver, groom, ostler, helmsman, the …
aurum, auri [n.] O Noun gold
aut … aut Phrase either ... or, or ... or
auxilium, auxilii [n.] O Noun help, aid
baculum, baculi [n.] O Noun stick, walking stick, staff, lictor's rod/staff (…
Bene Adverb well
bonus/bona/bonum, AO Adjective (1.) good, great, pleasant, favorable, valuable (…
bos, bovis [m.] C Noun ox, steer, cow
brevis/breve, brevis M Adjective short, little, small, stunted, brief, concise, qu…
Britannia, Britanniae [f.] A Noun Britain
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, casum Verb fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple, be slain, die,…
caelum, caeli [n.] O Noun heaven, sky
calidus/calida/calidum, AO Adjective warm, hot, fiery, lusty, eager, rash, on the spot…
canis, canis [m.] M Noun dog
canto, cantas, cantare A, cantavi, cantatum Verb sing, play (roles/music), recite, praise, celebra…
capio, capis, capere M, cepi, captum Verb catch
caput, capitis [n.] C Noun head, leader, beginning, life, heading, chapter
caupo, cauponis [m.] C Noun shopkeeper, salesman, huckster, innkeeper, keeper…
caupona, cauponae [f.] A Noun landlady, (female) shopkeeper, innkeeper, inn, ta…
caveo, caves, cavere E, cavi, cautum Verb beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action,…
celo, celas, celare A, celavi, celatum Verb conceal, hide, keep secret, disguise, keep in dar…
celeriter Adverb Quickly, Quickly, fast, Schnell
celerrime Adverb swiftly, quickly
cena, cenae [f.] A Noun food, meal, dinner
ceno, cenas, cenare A, cenavi, cenatum Verb eat
centum Numeral 100, hundred, one hundred, C (roman numerals)
certe Adverb certainly, for sure
cesso, cessas, cessare A, cessavi, cessatum Verb be remiss/inactive, hold back, leave off, delay, …
cibus, cibi [m.] O Noun Food, Ration
circensis/circense, circenis M Adjective of the Circus, associated with games in circus, u…
cista, cistae [f.] A Noun chest/box (usu. made of wicker), box for sacred c…
civis, civis [m.] I Noun citizen, fellow citizen
clamo, clamas, clamare A, clamavi, clamatum Verb shout, call
clamor, clamoris [m.] C Noun shout, outcry/protest, loud shouting (approval/jo…
claudo, claudis, claudere C, clausi, clausum Verb shut, close, limp, stumble/falter/hesitate, be we…
cliens, clientis [m.] M Noun customer (modern sense)
coco Interjection crow of cock, cock-a-doodle-doo, hen-clucking (L+…
cogito, cogitas, cogitare A, cogitavi, cogitatum Verb think
custos, custodis [m.] C Noun guard, guardian, watchman, keeper
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
de (m. Abl.) Preposition about, from, over, down and away
debeo, debes, debere E, debui, debitum Verb owe, ought, must
decem Numeral ten
defessus/defessa/defessum, AO Adjective worn out, weary, exhausted, tired, weakened (L+S)
deinde Conjunction then, then/next/afterward, thereon/henceforth/fro…
devoro, devoras, devorare A, devoravi, devoratum Verb devour, consume, swallow, gulp down, engulf/ingul…
dico, dicis, dicere C, dixi, dictum Verb say, call, tell
diligenter Adverb thorough, careful, diligent
diu Adverb long (time), for a long time
doceo, doces, docere E, docui, doctum Verb teach
doleo, doles, dolere E, dolui, dolum Verb grieve, suffer, hurt, give pain
domina, dominae [f.] A Noun mistress, lady
dominus, domini [m.] O Noun mister, gentleman, lord
domus, domi [m.] O Noun house, building, home, household, [domi => at hom…
dormio, dormis, dormire I, dormivi, dormitum Verb sleep
duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum Verb lead, guide, develop, prolong
dum Conjunction (1.) during, as long as, until, while (2.) while,…
ecce Interjection behold!, see!, look!, there!, here! [ecce eum => …
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
emo, emis, emere C, emi, emptum Verb buy, purchase
enim Conjunction namely (postpos.), indeed, in fact, for, I mean, …
epistula, epistulae [f.] A Noun letter
equus, equi [m.] O Noun horse
erro, erras, errare A, erravi, erratum Verb wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
ex Preposition (1.) from, out of, of (2.) From, Out of
excito, excitas, excitare A, excitavi, excitatum Verb wake up, stir up, cause, raise, erect, incite, ex…
explico, explicas, explicare A, explicavi, explicatum Verb (1.) unfold, explain (2.) spread out, deploy
extraho, extrahis, extrahere C, extraxi, extractum Verb drag out, prolong, rescue, extract, remove
fabula, fabulae [f.] A Noun story, tale, play, Story
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
fatuus/fatua/fatuum, AO Adjective foolish, silly, idiotic
faveo, faves, favere E, favi, fautum Verb promote, favour, prefer
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
ferociter Adverb wild, bold, warlike, cruel, defiant, arrogant
fero, fers, ferre IR, tuli, latum Verb (1.) bear, carry, bring (2.) suffer, endure, tole…
filia, filiae [f.] A Noun daughter
filius, filii [m.] O Noun son
fortasse Adverb perhaps, possibly, it may be, Perhaps
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
fossa, fossae [f.] A Noun ditch, trench, canal, moat, dike, fosse
furtim Adverb stealthily, secretly, imperceptibly
gaudeo, gaudes, gaudere E, -, gavisum Verb delight, be glad, rejoice (Semidep.), rejoice, ta…
gemo, gemis, gemere C, gemui, gemitum Verb moan, groan, lament (over), grieve that, give out…
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun sword
Graecia, Graeciae [f.] A Noun Greece
gratia, gratiae [f.] A Noun thanks
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
habito, habitas, habitare A, habitavi, habitatum Verb reside, live, dwell
heri Adverb yesterday
hodie Adverb today, now, at the present, nowadays
homo, hominis [m.] C Noun human
hora, horae [f.] A Noun hour, time, season
hortus, horti [m.] O Noun garden, fruit/kitchen garden, pleasure garden, pa…
humi Adverb on/to the ground
iaceo, iaces, iacere E, iacui, iactum Verb lie, lie prostrate, lie dead
iacio, iacis, iacere M, ieci, iactum Verb throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse, skid
iam Adverb already, (by) now, (by) then, presently
ianua, ianuae [f.] A Noun door
ibi Preposition (1.) there, in that place, thereupon (2.) there, …
igitur Adverb therefore (postpositive), so/then, consequently, …
ignavus/ignava/ignavum, AO Adjective lazy/idle/sluggish, spiritless, cowardly, faint-h…
imber, imbris [m.] M Noun rain, shower, storm, shower of liquid/snow/hail/m…
immemor, immemoris M Adjective forgetful (by nature), lacking memory, heedless (…
infirmus/infirma/infirmum, AO Adjective not strong, weak, feeble
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
interea Adverb meanwhile, in between
intra Preposition in, within, inside
intro, intras, intrare A, intravi, intratum Verb enter, go, enter, go
invenio, invenis, invenire I, inveni, inventum Verb come upon, find, discover, invent, contrive, reac…
invitus/invita/invitum, AO Adjective reluctant, unwilling, against one's will
iocus, ioci [m.] O Noun joke, joke, joke
ira, irae [f.] A Noun anger, wrath, rage
eo, is, ire IR, ii, - Verb go
is, ea, id Demonstrative Pronoun this
ita Adverb so, in such a way
itaque Conjunction (1.) because of, therefore, and so, accordingly, …
iterum Adverb again, however
iubeo, iubes, iubere E, iussi, iussum Verb command, order, require
labor, laboris [m.] C Noun work, effort
laboro, laboras, laborare A, laboravi, laboratum Verb work
lacrimo, lacrimas, lacrimare A, lacrimavi, lacrimatum Verb shed tears, weep
laetus/laeta/laetum, AO Adjective happy, cheerful
latro, latras, latrare A, latravi, latratum Verb bark, bark at
lectus, lecti [m.] O Noun bed, couch, lounge, sofa, bridal bed
legatus, legati [m.] O Noun legate, envoy, ambassador, commander, lieutenant
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
lente Adverb clinging, tough, slow, sluggish, lazy, procrastin…
liberus, liberi [m.] O Noun child
ludus, ludi [m.] O Noun game, school, sport, pastime, diversion
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
malus/mala/malum, AO Adjective bad, evil, wicked, ugly, unlucky
mandatum, mandati [n.] O Noun order, command, commission, mandate, commandment
mane Adverb in the morning, early in the morning
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
mappa, mappae [f.] A Noun white cloth, napkin, handkerchief, cloth dropped …
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
maximus/maxima/maximum, AO Adjective greatest, biggest, largest, longest, oldest, high…
medius/media/medium, AO Adjective middle
mercator, mercatoris [m.] C Noun trader, merchant
metus, metus [m.] U Noun fear, dread, anxiety
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
miser/misera/miserum, AO Adjective poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, …
mitto, mittis, mittere C, misi, missum Verb send
mons, montis [m.] M Noun mountain
monstro, monstras, monstrare A, monstravi, monstratum Verb show
mortuus/mortua/mortuum, AO Adjective dead
murus, muri [m.] O Noun wall, city wall
nam Conjunction namely, because, since, for
narro, narras, narrare A, narravi, narratum Verb tell
neco, necas, necare A, necavi, necatum Verb kill
necesse est Phrase it is necessary
nolo, non vis, nolle IR, nolui, - Verb be unwilling, wish not, want not, refuse
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun name, Name, Name, name, name, name, name
non Adverb (1.) not (2.) no, not (3.) no, not (4.) not (5.) …
nondum Adverb not yet, Not yet
nonne Other (1.) surely (2.) no?, not?, not? (interog, expect…
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new
nox, noctis [f.] M Noun night
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
rideo, rides, ridere E, risi, risum Verb laugh
risus, risus [m.] U Noun laughter
rogo, rogas, rogare A, rogavi, rogatum Verb ask, request, beg
Roma, Romae [f.] A Noun Rome
rota, rotae [f.] A Noun wheel (rotate)
saepe Adverb often
satis Adverb enough, adequately, sufficiently, well enough, qu…
sex Numeral six
silva, silvae [f.] A Noun forest
simulac Adverb as soon as, the moment that
simulo, simulas, simulare A, simulavi, simulatum Verb imitate, copy, pretend (to have/be), look like, s…
sollicitus/sollicita/sollicitum, AO Adjective concerned, worried, upset, troubled, disturbed, a…
sonitus, sonitus [m.] U Noun noise, loud sound
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
stilus, stili [m.] O Noun stylus, pencil, iron pen, column, pillar
supra Adverb on top, more, above, before, formerly
surgo, surgis, surgere C, surrexi, surrectum Verb get up, arise
tabellarius, tabellarii [m.] O Noun letter-carrier, courier
taberna, tabernae [f.] A Noun tavern, inn, wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel, stall/…
taceo, taces, tacere E, tacui, tacitum Verb be silent, leave unmentioned
tacite Adverb silent, secret
tandem Adverb finally, eventually, at last, after all, Finally,…
tardus/tarda/tardum, AO Adjective slow, limping, deliberate, late
tempto, temptas, temptare A, temptavi, temptatum Verb try (out)
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
terreo, terres, terrere E, terrui, territum Verb frighten, terrify
timeo, times, timere E, timui, - Verb be scared of, fear, dread, be afraid (ne + SUB = …
tum Adverb then, at that time
turba, turbae [f.] A Noun uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
udus/uda/udum, AO Adjective wet
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
uxor, uxoris [f.] C Noun wife
valde Adverb (1.) very, much/many, Very (2.) strongly
vale! valete! Phrase goodbye, good luck, goodbye! bye everyone!, Goodb…
vehementer Adverb violent, severe, vehement, emphatic, vigorous, li…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
verbosus/verbosa/verbosum, AO Adjective verbose, copious
verto, vertis, vertere C, verti, versum Verb turn, change, advert
vestigium, vestigii [n.] O Noun step, track, trace, footstep
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
vexo, vexas, vexare A, vexavi, vexatum Verb shake, jolt, toss violently, annoy, trouble, hara…
via, viae [f.] A Noun street, road, path, way
viator, viatoris [m.] C Noun traveler
vicinus/vicina/vicinum, AO Adjective nearby, neighboring
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vigilo, vigilas, vigilare A, vigilavi, vigilatum Verb remain awake, be awake, watch, provide for, care …
vilicus, vilici [m.] O Noun farm overseer (slave/free), estate manager, grade…
villa, villae [f.] A Noun house, mansion, country house
vinco, vincis, vincere C, vici, victum Verb win, conquer, defeat
vinum, vini [n.] O Noun wine
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man, hero, husband
virga, virgae [f.] A Noun twig, sprout, stalk, switch, rod, staff, wand, st…
visito, visitas, visitare A, visitavi, visitatum Verb visit, call upon, see frequently/habitually
vito, vitas, vitare A, vitavi, vitatum Verb avoid, shun
voco, vocas, vocare A, vocavi, vocatum Verb (1.) shout, call (2.) summon (3.) name
vox, vocis [f.] C Noun voice, voice, sound, word, cry
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