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Vocable Translation
celer/celeris/celere, celeris M Adjective swift, quick, rapid, fast
cingo, cingis, cingere C, cinxi, cinctum Verb surround, encircle, ring, enclose, beleaguer, acc…
classis, classis [f.] C Noun class, order, sort, kind
desero, deseris, deserere C, deserui, desertum Verb leave, depart, quit, desert, forsake, abandon, gi…
eicio, eicis, eicere M, eieci, eiectum Verb cast, throw out, fling, drive out/up, extract, ex…
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, agreeable
fallo, fallis, fallere C, fefelli, falsum Verb deceive, slip by, disappoint, be mistaken, beguil…
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
fortuna, fortunae [f.] A Noun luck, fortune, destiny
fugio, fugis, fugere M, fugi, fugiturum Verb flee, fly, run away, avoid, shun, go into exile
gratus/grata/gratum, AO Adjective grateful, thankful, pleasant
insto, instas, instare A, institi, - Verb pursue, threaten, approach, press hard, be close …
eo, is, ire IR, ii, - Verb go
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
nobilis/nobile, nobilis M Adjective noble, well born, aristocratic, outstanding (in r…
omnis/omne, omnis M Adjective (1.) each, every (2.) all
praeda, praedae [f.] A Noun booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey
probus/proba/probum, AO Adjective good, honest
rego, regis, regere C, rexi, rectum Verb rule
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