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Vocable Translation
adiuvo, adiuvas, adiuvare A, adiuvi, adiutum Verb to help
aut Conjunction (1.) (2.) or (3.) or, either... or (4.) or, eith…
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, cadum Verb fall
caedo, caedis, caedere C, cecidi, caesum Verb cut, hew, cut down, fell, beat
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
denique Adverb finally, in the end, and then, at worst, in short…
enim Conjunction namely (postpos.), indeed, in fact, for, I mean, …
filius, filii [m.] O Noun son
gladiator, gladiatoris [m.] C Noun gladiator
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun military sword, kind of short sword, (figurativel…
incido, incidis, incidere C, incidi, incasum Verb happen, fall into, fall in with, meet, fall upon,…
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun name, Name, Name, name, name
nuper Adverb newly, lately, recently, not long ago
occido, occidis, occidere C, occidi, occasum Verb fall down, die, set
occido, occidis, occidere C, occidi, occisum Verb kill, murder, slaughter, slay, cut/knock down, we…
pervenio, pervenis, pervenire I, perveni, perventum Verb come
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
reperio, reperis, reperire I, repperi, repertum Verb find, discover, learn, get
tango, tangis, tangere C, tetigi, tactum Verb touch, strike, border on, influence, mention
theatrum, theatri [n.] O Noun Theatre
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vinco, vincis, vincere C, vici, victum Verb win, conquer, defeat
vix Adverb hardly, barely, only with difficulty, just now
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