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Vocable Translation
addo, addis, addere C, addidi, additum Verb add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition, in…
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
bellum gerere Phrase to wage war
desidero, desideras, desiderare A, desideravi, desideratum Verb desire, long for, miss
dictum, dicti [n.] O Noun (1.) words, utterance, remark (2.) one's word, pr…
disciplina, disciplinae [f.] A Noun teaching, instruction, education, training, disci…
exemplum, exempli [n.] O Noun example
existimo, existimas, existimare A, existimavi, existimatum Verb value, esteem, form, hold opinion/view, think, su…
expello, expellis, expellere C, expuli, expulsum Verb drive out, expel, banish, disown, reject
factum, facti [n.] O Noun deed, act, achievement
gero, geris, gerere C, gessi, gestum Verb carry, carry on, manage, conduct, accomplish, per…
haereo, haeres, haerere E, haesi, haesum Verb stick, adhere, cling to, hesitate, be in difficul…
immo Adverb no indeed (contradiction), on the contrary, more …
inspicio, inspicis, inspicere M, inspexi, inspectum Verb examine, inspect, consider, look into/at, observe
iucundus/iucunda/iucundum, AO Adjective pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
peregrinus, peregrini [m.] O Noun pilgrim
plerumque Adverb most of the time
popularis/populare, popularis M Adjective of the people, popular
potius Adverb rather, more, preferably
praesertim cum Phrase still in translation
propterea quod Phrase because
quia Conjunction (1.) because, that (2.) because (3.) because (4.)…
res publica Phrase Pertaining to the state or public
suspicio, suspicis, suspicere M, suspexi, suspectum Verb look up to, admire
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
verisimilis/verisimile, verisimilis M Adjective having appearance of truth
vero Conjunction (1.) verily, truly, indeed (2.) but (3.) but, yes…
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
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