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Vocable Translation
acies, aciei [f.] E Noun sharpness, sharp edge, point, battle line, sight,…
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
domum Akk. Phrase still in translation
eicio, eicis, eicere M, ejeci, ejectum Verb cast, throw, fling, drive out/up, extract, expel,…
eiusdem ordinis Phrase still in translation
instituo, instituis, instituere C, institui, institutum Verb build, establish
mortem prospicere Phrase still in translation
nepos, nepotis [m.] C Noun grandson, descendant
neque vero Phrase still in translation
nobilitas, nobilitatis [f.] C Noun nobility, aristocracy
ordo, ordinis [m.] C Noun row, order/rank, succession, series, class, bank …
ordo senatorum Phrase still in translation
parcere hostibus subiectis Phrase still in translation
pater familias Phrase father of the family
potentia, potentiae [f.] A Noun force, power, political power
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
prospicio, prospicis, prospicere M, prospexi, prospectum Verb foresee, see far off, watch for, provide for, loo…
reliquus/reliqua/reliquum, AO Adjective remaining, left over
res familiaris f Phrase still in translation
saluti patris prospicere Phrase still in translation
subicio, subicis, subicere M, subjeci, subjectum Verb throw under, place under, make subject, expose
vis, vis [f.] I Noun strength (pl. only), force, power, might, violence
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