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Vocable Translation
multi/multae/multa, AO Adjective much, many
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
adiuvo, adiuvas, adiuvare A, adiuvi, adiutum Verb to help
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb to love
ambulo, ambulas, ambulare A, ambularei, ambulatum Verb to walk, stroll
amicus, amici [m.] O Noun friend (m.)
amicus/amica/amicum, AO Adjective friendly, loving (of a lover)
amoenus/amoena/amoenum, AO Adjective beautiful, attractive, pleasant, agreeable, enjoy…
appropinquo, appropinquas, appropinquare A, appropinquavi, appropinquatum Verb approach, near, converge
apud Preposition at, with, among, at the house of, in the presence…
Arpinum, Arpini [n.] O Noun Arpinum, Arpino
Athenae, Athenarum [f.] A Noun Athens (pl.)
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
autem Conjunction (1.) however (2.) but (put after), however, moreo…
clarus/clara/clarum, AO Adjective famous, popular, clear, bright, loud
Corinthus, Corinthi [f.] O Noun Corinth
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
de (m. Abl.) Preposition about, from, over, down and away
debeo, debes, debere E, debui, debitum Verb owe, ought, must
delecto, delectas, delectare A, delectavi, delectatum Verb please (sb.), delight (sb).
disputo, disputas, disputare A, disputavi, disputatum Verb discuss, debate, argue
diutius Other for longer, for a longer time, for any longer
e, ex+Abl. Preposition out of, from
epistula, epistulae [f.] A Noun letter
erudio, erudis, erudire I, erudivi, eruditum Verb educate, teach, instruct
sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
et Conjunction and, also
fluvius, fluvii [m.] O Noun river, stream, running water, River
frater, fratris [m.] C Noun brother, cousin
Graecia, Graeciae [f.] A Noun Greece
Graecus/Graeca/Graecum, AO Adjective greek, Greek
gratia, gratiae [f.] A Noun thanks
gratiam habere Phrase thank, be thankful, feel gratitude, feel grateful
gratus/grata/gratum, AO Adjective grateful, thankful, pleasant
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
hora, horae [f.] A Noun hour, time, season
hortus, horti [m.] O Noun garden, fruit/kitchen garden, pleasure garden, pa…
ibi Preposition (1.) there, in that place, thereupon (2.) there, …
in+Abl. Preposition in, on
incola, incolae [m.] A Noun Inhabitant
inde Adverb hence, henceforth, from that place/time/cause, th…
insula, insulae [f.] A Noun island
eo, is, ire IR, ii, - Verb go
ita Adverb so, in such a way
iuxta Preposition nearly, near, close to, adjoining, like, accordin…
laudo, laudas, laudare A, laudavi, laudatum Verb praise, commend
libenter Adverb gladly, with pleasure, readily
ligneus/lignea/ligneum, AO Adjective wooden, wood-, woody, like wood, tough/stringy, […
loco, locas, locare A, locavi, locatum Verb place, put, station, arrange, contract (for), far…
locus, loci [m.] O Noun place, location
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
maritimus/maritima/maritimum, AO Adjective maritime, of/near/by the sea, coastal, relating/u…
monstro, monstras, monstrare A, monstravi, monstratum Verb show
moveo, moves, movere E, movi, motum Verb move, arouse, affect, set in motion, stir up
municipium, municipii [n.] O Noun municipality, town, town subject to Rome but unde…
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
nam Conjunction namely, because, since, for
natura, naturae [f.] A Noun nature
natus/nata/natum, AO Adjective born, descending (from)
navigo, navigas, navigare A, navigavi, navigatum Verb sail, navigate
notus/nota/notum, AO Adjective famous, known, noted, popular
oppidum, oppidi [n.] O Noun town, city
ora, orae [f.] A Noun shore, coast
pecunia, pecuniae [f.] A Noun money
perlustro, perlustras, perlustrare A, perlustravi, perlustratum Verb go or wander all through, view all over, scan, sc…
pertineo, pertines, pertinere E, pertinui, pertentum Verb reach, extend, relate to, concerns, pertain to
philosophia, philosophiae [f.] A Noun philosophy
philosophus, philosophi [m.] O Noun philosopher
ponticulus, ponticuli [m.] O Noun little bridge
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
praebeo, praebes, praebere E, praebui, praebitum Verb offer, provide
prope Preposition close to, near, Near
que Conjunction and, And, Und
redeo, redis, redire E, redii, reditum Verb to go back, return
retineo, retines, retinere E, retinui, retentum Verb hold back, restrain, uphold, delay, hold fast, re…
ripa, ripae [f.] A Noun (1.) river bank (2.) riverside (3.) waterside (4.…
romanus, romani [m.] O Noun Roman, the Romans (pl.), Roman
Romanus/Romana/Romanum, AO Adjective roman, Roman
saepe Adverb often
situs/sita/situm, AO Adjective laid up, stored, positioned, situated, centered (…
suus/a/um Pronoun his, hers, its
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
umbra, umbrae [f.] A Noun (1.) shade, ghost, shadow (2.) shade, shadow (3.)…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
verbum, verbi [n.] O Noun word
vere Adverb true, real, proper, genuine, actual, properly nam…
villa, villae [f.] A Noun house, mansion
visito, visitas, visitare A, visitavi, visitatum Verb visit, call upon, see frequently/habitually
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