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Vocable Translation
aspectus, aspectus [m.] U Noun appearance, aspect, mien, act of looking, sight, …
citharista, citharistae [m.] A Noun cithara/lyre player
custos, custodis [m.] C Noun guard, guardian, watchman, keeper
dimissus, dimissi [m.] O Noun surrender, handing over, demise
fanum, fani [n.] O Noun sanctuary, temple
grex, gregis [m.] C Noun flock, herd, crowd
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
pecuarium, pecuarii [n.] O Noun herds of sheep or cattle (pl.)
pellis, pellis [f.] M Noun skin, hide, pelt
profectio, profectionis [f.] C Noun departure
repudium, repudii [n.] O Noun repudiation/rejection of prospective spouse, noti…
sodalis, sodalis [n.] M Noun (1.) companion, associate, mate, intimate, comrad…
sors, sortis [f.] M Noun lot, fate, oracular response
tabernaculum, tabernaculi [n.] O Noun tent, Jewish Tabernacle, [~ capere => (augur) set…
venia, veniae [f.] A Noun favor, kindness, pardon, permission, indulgence
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