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Vocable Translation
aio, ais, - IR, -, - Verb (to) say, say yes
duo/duae/duo, AO Adjective (1.) two (2.) both
aedes, aedis [f.] C Noun temple, shrine, tomb, apartment, room, house (pl.…
aes, aeris [n.] C Noun bronze
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid Pronoun anyone, anything, something, someone
appello, appellas, appellare A, appellavi, appellatum Verb call, appeal, supplicate
armatus/armata/armatum, AO Adjective armed, equipped, defensively armed, armor clad, f…
auctor, auctoris [m.] C Noun author, leader, supporter, originator, founder, i…
aufero, aufers, auferre IR, abstuli, ablatum Verb see, take away, carry away, remove
concursus, concursus [m.] U Noun running to and fro/together, collision, charge/at…
cupidus/cupida/cupidum, AO Adjective eager, passionate, longing for, desirous of (with…
custos, custodis [m.] C Noun guard, guardian, watchman, keeper
excito, excitas, excitare A, excitavi, excitatum Verb wake up, stir up, cause, raise, erect, incite, ex…
fama, famae [f.] A Noun (1.) rumor, report (2.) fame, reputation
fanum, fani [n.] O Noun sanctuary, temple
fero, fers, ferre IR, tuli, latum Verb (1.) bear, carry, bring (2.) suffer, endure, tole…
honestus/honesta/honestum, AO Adjective distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, u…
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
improbus/improba/improbum, AO Adjective wicked, flagrant, morally unsound, greedy, rude, …
longe Adverb (1.) long, tall, tedious, taking long time, bound…
minus Adverb less, not so well, not quite
morbus, morbi [m.] O Noun disease, sickness
nefarius/nefaria/nefarium, AO Adjective wicked, evil, offending moral law, criminal, abom…
nego, negas, negare A, negavi, negatum Verb deny, say that...not, to deny, say that... not
noctu Adverb (1.) by night, at night (2.) in the night (3.) in…
offero, offeris, offerere IR, obtuli, oblatum Verb offer
oportet Phrase (impersonal pronoun) It is necessary for
palam Adverb openly, publicly, plainly
patrius/patria/patrium, AO Adjective father's, paternal, ancestral
posco, poscis, poscere C, poposci, - Verb ask, demand
propter Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
provincia, provinciae [f.] A Noun province
referre Verb still in translation
religiosus/religiosa/religiosum, AO Adjective pious/devout/religious/scrupulous, superstitious,…
sacer/sacra/sacrum, AO Adjective sacred, holy, consecrated, accursed, horrible, de…
sanctus/sancta/sanctum, AO Adjective sacred, holy
scelus, sceleris [n.] C Noun evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
scelus committere Phrase make a crime, commit a crime
simulacrum, simulacri [n.] O Noun likeness, image, statue
sīgnum, sīgnī [n.] O Noun (1.) sign (2.) standard
telum, teli [n.] O Noun (1.) (projectile) weapon, spear (2.) Dart
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
tot Adverb so many
ullus/ulla/ullum, AO Adjective any
vas, vasis [n.] C Noun vessel, vase, pack, utensil, equipment/apparatus …
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