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Vocable Translation
arma, armorum [n.] O (Pl.) Noun weapons
armatus, armatus [m.] U Noun type of arms/equipment, armor, [gravis armatus =>…
avunculus, avunculi [m.] O Noun maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister…
cognomen, cognominis [n.] C Noun surname, family/3rd name, name (additional/derive…
Fero, Fers, Ferre IR, Tuli, Latum Verb to bring, to carry
frater, fratris [m.] C Noun brother, cousin
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun sword
mater, matris [f.] C Noun mother
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun name, Name, Name, name, name
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
pilus, pili [m.] O Noun "chief", [primipilus/primi pili centurio => first…
praenomen, praenominis [n.] C Noun first name, personal name, noun which precedes an…
scutum, scuti [n.] O Noun shield
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
tristis/triste, tristis M Adjective sad, sorrowful, joyless, grim, severe
vester/vestra/vestrum, AO Adjective your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you
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