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Vocable Translation
afficio, afficis, afficere M, affeci, affectum Verb manage, influence, make, punish
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
Castra, Castrae [f.] A Noun camp, base, castle
certamen, certaminis [n.] C Noun contest, competition, battle, combat, struggle, r…
circum Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
deligo, deligis, deligere C, delegi, delectum Verb choose, select, enroll, to choose, to choose
deus, dei [m.] O Noun god, supreme being, statue of god
dignus/digna/dignum, AO Adjective worthy, dignified
dono, donas, donare A, donavi, donatum Verb bestow, donate, give, present, reward
Facinus, Facinoris [n.] C Noun malpractice, crime
fleo, fles, flere E, flevi, fletum Verb weep, cry
Graecus, Graeci [m.] O Noun Greek
hostis, hostis [m.] M Noun enemy
interrogo, interrogas, interrogare A, interrogavi, interrogatum Verb ask, interview, interrogate
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
iterum Adverb again, however
mors, mortis [f.] C Noun death, corpse, annihilation
numquam Adverb never
nusquam Adverb nowhere, on no occasion
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
nūllus/nūlla/nūllum, AO Adjective not any, no, none
possideo, possides, possidere E, possedi, possessum Verb possess, own, have
praeterea Adverb besides, thereafter, in addition
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promittmisi, promittmissum Verb send forth, promise
pulchritudo, pulchritudinis [f.] C Noun beauty
sapientia, sapientiae [f.] A Noun wisdom
totus/tota/totum, AO Adjective whole, entire
traho, trahis, trahere C, traxi, tractum Verb draw, drag, derive, assume, acquire, influence, c…
ullus/ulla/ullum, AO Adjective any
umquam Adverb ever, at any time, sometime
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
usquam Adverb anywhere, in any place, to any place
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