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Vocable Translation
aedificium, aedificii [n.] O Noun building, house
aegrotus/aegrota/aegrotum, AO Adjective sick, diseased, love-sick, pining
ante Preposition (1.) before, in front of (2.) before, previously,…
bellum, belli [n.] O Noun (1.) war, warfare (2.) war (3.) war, warfare
caput, capitis [n.] C Noun head, leader, beginning, life, heading, chapter
curia, curiae [f.] A Noun city hall, meeting house, curia/division of Roman…
dico, dicis, dicere C, dixi, dictum Verb say, call, tell
dictor, dictoris [m.] C Noun speaker, orator
disputo, disputas, disputare A, disputavi, disputatum Verb discuss, debate, argue
diu Adverb long (time), for a long time
dum Conjunction (1.) during, as long as, until, while (2.) while,…
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
ignosco, ignoscis, ignoscere C, ignovi, ignotum Verb grant pardon, forgive
imperium, imperii [n.] O Noun empire, authority, order, command
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
lex, legis [f.] C Noun (1.) law, rule (2.) law, statute, motion, bill, p…
officium, officii [n.] O Noun duty, service
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
pax, pacis [f.] C Noun peace
plenus/plena/plenum, AO Adjective full (of), full, abundant, generous
quam Pronoun (1.) like, how, how much, as, than, [quam + super…
quamquam Conjunction though, although, yet, nevertheless, also
quod Conjunction (1.) for the reason that, due to the fact that, a…
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
senator, senatoris [m.] C Noun senator
sententia, sententiae [f.] A Noun feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
vale! valete! Phrase goodbye, good luck, goodbye! bye everyone!, Goodb…
vox, vocis [f.] C Noun voice, voice, sound, word, cry
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