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Vocable Translation
accipio, accipis, accipere M, accepi, acceptum Verb accept, take, receive
ager, agri [m.] O Noun field, ground, farm, land, estate, park, territor…
auris, auris [f.] M Noun ear, hearing, a discriminating sense of hearing, …
avarita, avaritae [f.] A Noun still in translation
civis, civis [m.] I Noun citizen, fellow citizen
gloria, gloriae [f.] A Noun glory, fame, honor
gratia, gratiae [f.] A Noun thanks
iacio, iacis, iacere M, ieci, iactum Verb throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse, skid
laboro, laboras, laborare A, laboravi, laboratum Verb work
luxuria, luxuriae [f.] A Noun luxury, extravagance, thriving condition
moneo, mones, monere E, monui, monitum Verb urge, warn, remind, advice
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
opprimo, opprimis, opprimere C, oppressi, oppressum Verb suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check
pello, pellis, pellere C, pepuli, pulsum Verb to chase away, to expel, slap, thrust, bump, beat…
populus, populi [m.] O Noun population, people, nation, State, public/populac…
probus/proba/probum, AO Adjective good, honest
quod Conjunction (1.) for the reason that, due to the fact that, a…
rostrum, rostri [n.] O Noun beak, curved bow (of a ship), speaker's platform …
sedes, sedis [f.] C Noun seat, home, residence, settlement, habitation, ch…
unus e/ex Phrase still in translation
urgeo, urges, urgere E, ursi, - Verb press, squeeze, bear hard/down, tread, traverse c…
verus/vera/verum, AO Adjective true, real, proper
vinco, vincis, vincere C, vici, victum Verb win, conquer, defeat
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