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Vocable Translation
addo, addis, addere C, addidi, additum Verb add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition, in…
alter/altera/alterum, AO Adjective the other one, (the) alternative, the other
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
argentum, argenti [n.] O Noun silver, money, cash, silver-plate, [argentum vivu…
aura, aurae [f.] A Noun breeze, breath (of air), wind, gleam, odor, stenc…
candidus/candida/candidum, AO Adjective shining, bright, white, beautiful
colonia, coloniae [f.] A Noun colony/settlement or people thereof, colony of be…
creo, creas, creare A, creavi, creatum Verb create
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
enim Conjunction namely (postpos.), indeed, in fact, for, I mean, …
sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quic…
fero, fers, ferre IR, tuli, latum Verb (1.) bear, carry, bring (2.) suffer, endure, tole…
fleo, fles, flere E, flevi, fletum Verb weep, cry
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
hiems, hiemis [f.] C Noun winter
hora, horae [f.] A Noun hour, time, season
igitur Adverb therefore (postpositive), so/then, consequently, …
iter, itineris [n.] C Noun journey, route, way, passage
lacrima, lacrimae [f.] A Noun tear, teardrop, eyewater, eyewater
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
numerus, numeri [m.] O Noun number, count, rank, company
nunc Adverb now, at present
nuntius, nuntii [m.] M Noun envoy, messenger, message
oratio, orationis [f.] C Noun speech
pauper, pauperis M Adjective poor
pessimus/pessima/pessimum, AO Adjective worst, most incapable, wickedest, most disloyal/u…
posterus/postera/posterum, AO Adjective coming after, following, next, COMP next in order…
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promisi, promissum Verb promise
quidam, quaedam, quoddam Pronoun one, a certain, some
satis Adverb enough, adequately, sufficiently, well enough, qu…
sine Preposition without
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
tamen Conjunction nevertheless, however, still, despite, yet, notwi…
tandem Adverb finally, eventually, at last, after all, Finally,…
tempto, temptas, temptare A, temptavi, temptatum Verb try (out)
tempus, temporis [n.] C Noun time, occasion, opportunity, condition, right tim…
tumultus, tumultus [m.] U Noun commotion, confusion, uproar, rebellion, uprising…
turba, turbae [f.] A Noun uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
ver, veris [n.] C Noun spring, spring-time of life, youth, [ver sacrum =…
vivo, vivis, vivere C, vixi, - Verb live
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