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Vocable Translation
adicio, adicis, adicere M, adjeci, adjectum Verb add, increase, raise, add to (DAT/ad+ACC), sugges…
crudelis/crudele, crudelis M Adjective cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthir…
desino, desinis, desinere C, desi, desitum Verb stop, cease (+infin.)
dolus, doli [m.] O Noun trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunni…
dono, donas, donare A, donavi, donatum Verb bestow, donate, give, present, reward
fatum, fati [n.] O Noun fate, death
flecto, flectis, flectere C, flexi, flexum Verb bend, curve, bow, turn, curl, persuade, prevail o…
fuga, fugae [f.] A Noun escape, flight
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
illic Adverb in that place, there, over there
iubeo, iubes, iubere E, iussi, iussum Verb command, order, require
iucundus/iucunda/iucundum, AO Adjective pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
libenter Adverb gladly, with pleasure, readily
litus, litoris [n.] C Noun coast, shore
locus, loci [m.] O Noun place, location
margo, margois [f.] M Noun area, region, neighborhood, district, country, di…
nimis Adverb very much, too much, exceedingly, Too much
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
posterus, posteri [m.] O Noun descendants (pl.), posterity, future generations/…
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promittmisi, promittmissum Verb send forth, promise
sponte Adverb of one's own will, voluntarily, for one's own sake
tam Adverb so, so much (as), to such an extent/degree, never…
tempto, temptas, temptare A, temptavi, temptatum Verb try (out)
tristis/triste, tristis M Adjective sad, sorrowful, joyless, grim, severe
turpis/turpe, turpis M Adjective ugly, shameful, base, disgraceful
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