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Vocable Translation
admiror, admiraris, admirari A, admiratus sum (Dep.) Verb admire, respect, regard with wonder, wonder at, b…
animal, animalis [n.] I Noun a living creature, animal
arbitror, arbitraris, arbitrari A, arbitratus sum (Dep.) Verb judge, think, to witness, to judge
audax, audacis M Adjective bold, daring, courageous, reckless, rash, audacio…
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
frons, frontis [f.] M Noun forehead
grandis/grande, grandis M Adjective full-grown, grown up, large, great, grand, tall, …
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
imito, imitas, imitare A, imitavi, imitatum Verb imitate/copy/mimic, follow, make an imitation/rep…
Indus, Indi [m.] O Noun Indian, inhabitant of India
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
iniuria, iniuriae [f.] A Noun injustice
irascor, irasceris, irasci C, iratus sum (Dep.) Verb get/be/become angry, fly into a rage, be angry at…
latus/lata/latum, AO Adjective wide, broad, spacious, extensive
loquor, loqueris, loqui C, locutus sum (Dep.) Verb say, speak, tell
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
mortalis/mortale, mortalis M Adjective mortal
mos, moris [m.] C Noun habit, custom, manner, (plural) habits, character
nascor, nasceris, nasci C, natus sum (Dep.) Verb (1.) be born (2.) spring forth, arise
navigium, navigii [n.] O Noun vessel, ship
neque vero Phrase still in translation
omnis/omne, omnis M Adjective each, every, all
opus, operis [n.] C Noun work, achievement, oeuvre
patior, pateris, pati M, passus sum (Dep.) Verb suffer, endure, permit, allow
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
prudens, prudentis M Adjective aware, skilled, sensible, prudent, farseeing, exp…
quasi Adverb like, how
reor, reris, reri E, ratus sum (Dep.) Verb think, regard, deem, suppose, believe, reckon
tueor, tueris, tueri E, tuitus sum (Dep.) Verb see, look at, protect, watch, uphold
turris, turris [f.] I Noun tower, high building, palace, citadel, dove tower…
usus, usus [m.] U Noun use, benefit, advantage
utor, uteris, uti C, usus sum (Dep.) Verb (1.) use (2.) enjoy, experience
utilis/utile, utilis M Adjective useful, advantageous
vehemens, vehementis M Adjective violent, severe, vehement, emphatic, vigorous, li…
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vis, viris [f.] C Noun strength (bodily) (pl.), force, power, might, vio…
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