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Vocable Translation
accedo, accedis, accedere C, accessi, accessum Verb come, approach, approach to, go against, get in, …
aestimo, aestimas, aestimare A, aestimavi, aestimatum Verb value, assess, estimate, reckon, consider, judge …
afficio, afficis, afficere M, affeci, affectum Verb manage, influence, make, punish
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
arguo, arguis, arguere C, argui, argutum Verb prove, argue, allege, disclose, accuse, complain …
clarus/clara/clarum, AO Adjective famous, popular, clear, bright, loud
Decimus, Decimi [m.] O Noun Decimus (Roman praenomen), tenth
dies, diei [m.] E Noun (1.) Day (2.) day, Day, Diary (3.) Day
fides, fidei [f.] E Noun faith, trust, confidence, Faith, Confidence
fructus, fructus [m.] U Noun fruit, profit, benefit, enjoyment
honestus/honesta/honestum, AO Adjective distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, u…
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
invideo, invides, invidere E, invidi, invisum Verb (1.) be envious (2.) look at with envy, envy, be …
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
iussu Phrase on demand
magni aestimare Phrase still in translation
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
manus, manus [f.] U Noun hand, band (of men)
metus, metus [m.] U Noun fear, dread, anxiety
modo … modo Phrase still in translation
ob Preposition on account of, for the sake of, for, instead of, …
otium, otii [n.] O Noun leisure, rest, recovery
parco, parcis, parcere C, peperci, parsurum Verb be lenient, spare
pernicies, perniciei [f.] E Noun ruin, disaster, pest, bane, curse, destruction, c…
portus, portus [m.] U Noun port, harbor
postulo, postulas, postulare A, postulavi, postulatum Verb demand, claim, require
praeesse Verb still in translation
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promittmisi, promittmissum Verb send forth, promise
res, rei [f.] E Noun thing, matter, business, affair
res publica Phrase Pertaining to the state or public
senatus, senatus [m.] U Noun senate
spes, spei [f.] E Noun hope, expectation, ||Spes, goddess of hope, hope …
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
sustineo, sustines, sustinere E, sustinui, sustinitum Verb bear, withstand, tolerate
versus, versus [m.] U Noun line of verse
viginti Other 20, twenty
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