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Vocable Translation
adulescens, adulescentis [m.] M Noun young man
atque Conjunction (1.) and (2.) and also (3.) and moreover
caput, capitis [n.] C Noun head, leader, beginning, life, heading, chapter
cura, curae [f.] A Noun care, attention, caution, anxiety
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
debeo, debes, debere E, debui, debitum Verb owe, ought, must
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
interficio, interficis, interficere M, interfeci, interfectum Verb (1.) kill, murder, destroy, put and end to (2.) o…
invenio, invenis, invenire I, inveni, inventum Verb come upon, find, discover, invent, contrive, reac…
iuvo, iuvas, iuvare A, iuvi, iutum Verb help, aid, assist, please
medio in labyrintho Phrase still in translation
medius, medii [m.] O Noun mediator, one who stands in the middle, one who c…
miser/misera/miserum, AO Adjective poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, …
modus, modi [m.] O Noun (1.) measure, bound, limit (2.) manner, method, m…
navigare, navigo Phrase still in translation
nihil Pronoun nothing
nihil nisi Phrase still in translation
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
paratus/parata/paratum, AO Adjective prepared, ready, equipped, provided
parens, parentis [m.] M Noun parent
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
periculum, periculi [n.] O Noun danger, risk
quaero, quaeris, quaerere C, quaesivi, quaesitum Verb search, research, ask
quaero e/a Phrase still in translation
qui, quae, quod Relative Pronoun who, which, whom, that
quomodo Adverb (1.) how, in what way, just as (2.) how, in which…
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