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Vocable Translation
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb love
o, as, are A, avi, atum Verb think
doceo, doces, docere E, docui, doctum Verb teach
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
exspecto, exspectas, exspectare A, exspectavi, exspectatum Verb expect
falso Adverb falsely, deceptively, spuriously
Graecus/Graeca/Graecum, AO Adjective greek, Greek
grammaticus, grammatici [m.] O Noun grammarian, philologist, scholar, expert on lingu…
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
horrendus/horrenda/horrendum, AO Adjective horrible, dreadful, terrible
iam Adverb already, (by) now, (by) then, presently
intro, intras, intrare A, intravi, intratum Verb enter, go, enter, go
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
Latinus/Latina/Latinum, AO Adjective latin
liber, libri [m.] O Noun book, volume, inner bark of a tree, book, book
lingua, linguae [f.] A Noun language, tongue
magister, magistri [m.] O Noun teacher
moneo, mones, monere E, monui, monitum Verb urge, warn, remind, advice
oculus, oculi [m.] O Noun eye
pulcher/pulchra/pulchrum, AO Adjective beautiful, pretty
quam Pronoun (1.) like, how, how much, as, than, [quam + super…
qui, quae, quod Relative Pronoun who, which, whom, that
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quis, quid Pronoun who, what
quod Conjunction (1.) for the reason that, due to the fact that, a…
salve!/salvete! Other still in translation
secum Other with (oneself)
severus/severa/severum, AO Adjective stern, strict, severe, grave, austere, weighty, s…
specto, spectas, spectare A, spectavi, spectatum Verb watch, look
tuus/tua/tuum, AO Adjective your
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
verbum, verbi [n.] O Noun word
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