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Vocable Translation
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
at Conjunction (1.) but, but on the other hand, on the contrary,…
consuetudo, consuetudinis [f.] C Noun habit/custom/usage/way, normal/general/customary …
egeo, eges, egere E, egui, - Verb need, lack, want
frango, frangis, frangere C, fregi, fractum Verb break, shatter, crush, dishearten, subdue, weaken…
humanitas, humanitatis [f.] C Noun human nature, character, humanity (adjc. ), kindn…
incredibilis/incredibile, incredibilis M Adjective incredible, extraordinary
iustitia, iustitiae [f.] A Noun justice, equity
lex, legis [f.] C Noun (1.) law, rule (2.) law, statute, motion, bill, p…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
Londinium, Londinii [n.] O Noun London
misericordia, misericordiae [f.] A Noun compassion, pity, sympathy
optimus quisque Phrase still in translation
par, paris Phrase still in translation
potestas, potestatis [f.] C Noun power
princeps, principis [m.] C Noun the first, emperor, chief, chieftain
sedes, sedis [f.] C Noun seat, home, residence, settlement, habitation, ch…
spolio, spolias, spoliare A, spoliavi, spoliatum Verb rob, strip, despoil, plunder, deprive (with abl.)
sumptus, sumptus [m.] U Noun cost, charge, expense
vindico, vindicas, vindicare A, vindicavi, vindicatum Verb claim, vindicate, punish, avenge
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