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Vocable Translation
amphitheatrum, amphitheatri [n.] O Noun amphitheater, double (oval/circular) theater havi…
apud Preposition at, with, among, at the house of, in the presence…
augeo, auges, augere E, auxi, auctum Verb enlarge, extend, increase
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, cadum Verb fall
communis/commune, communis M Adjective common, general, of the community, for the commun…
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
descendo, descendis, descendere C, descendi, descensum Verb descend, climb/march/come/go/flow/run/hang down, …
effugio, effugis, effugere M, effugi, effugitum Verb flee, escape, run, slip, keep away (from), eschew…
gladiator, gladiatoris [m.] C Noun gladiator
gloria, gloriae [f.] A Noun glory, fame, honor
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
huc et illuc Phrase here and there
longus/longa/longum, AO Adjective long
ludo, ludis, ludere C, lusi, lusum Verb trick, play
ludus, ludi [m.] O Noun game, school, sport, pastime, diversion
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun (1.) name (2.) name, Name, Name, name, name, name…
nuper Adverb newly, lately, recently, not long ago
occido, occidis, occidere C, occidi, occasum Verb fall down, die, set
per Preposition through, by, along
pervenio, pervenis, pervenire I, perveni, perventum Verb come
reperio, reperis, reperire I, repperi, repertum Verb find, discover, learn, get
rideo, rides, ridere E, risi, risum Verb laugh
sermo, sermonis [m.] C Noun conversation, talk
sto, stas, stare A, steti, statum Verb stand, stand still, stand firm, remain, rest
tango, tangis, tangere C, tetigi, tactum Verb touch, strike, border on, influence, mention
theatrum, theatri [n.] O Noun Theatre
therma, thermae [f.] A Noun warm/hot baths (pl.), baths
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vinco, vincis, vincere C, vici, victum Verb win, conquer, defeat
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