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Vocable Translation
abduco, abducis, abducere C, abduxi, abductum Verb lead away, carry off, detach, attract away, entic…
aperio, aperis, aperire I, aperui, apertum Verb open, appear
capio, capis, capere M, cepi, captum Verb catch
colligo, colligis, colligere C, collegi, collectum Verb collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep togethe…
cum + Indikativ Präs./Perf. Preposition when
dextra, dextrae [f.] A Noun right hand, weapon/greeting/shaking hand, right s…
equus, equi [m.] O Noun horse
etiamsi Conjunction even if, although
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
frustra Adverb in vain, for nothing, to no purpose
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
postquam Conjunction after
quamquam Conjunction though, although, yet, nevertheless, also
relinquo, relinquis, relinquere C, reliqui, relictum Verb leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
socius, socii [m.] O Noun companion, ally
surgo, surgis, surgere C, surrexi, surrectum Verb get up, arise
traho, trahis, trahere C, traxi, tractum Verb draw, drag, derive, assume, acquire, influence, c…
tutus/tuta/tutum, AO Adjective safe, prudent, secure, protected
uxor, uxoris [f.] C Noun wife
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