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Vocable Translation
centuria, centuriae [f.] A Noun century, company of 60-100 men in legion, voting …
conubium, conubii [n.] O Noun marriage/wedlock, right to marry, act/ceremony of…
curam agere Phrase still in translation
de suo Phrase still in translation
deicio, deicis, deicere M, dejeci, dejectum Verb throw/pour/jump/send/put/push/force/knock/bring d…
dimitto, dimittis, dimittere C, dimisi, dimissum Verb forgive, free, left down (in grace), send away, d…
divus, divi [m.] O Noun god
dubium, dubii [n.] O Noun doubt
emereo, emeres, emerere E, emerui, emeritum Verb earn, obtain by service, merit, deserve, emerge, …
eripio, eripis, eripere M, eripui, ereptum Verb (1.) snatch away, take away (2.) rescue
fidelis/fidele, fidelis M Adjective faithful, loyal
honestus/honesta/honestum, AO Adjective distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, u…
indignus/indigna/indignum, AO Adjective unworthy, undeserving, undeserved, unbecoming, sh…
invictus/invicta/invictum, AO Adjective unconquered, unconquerable, invincible
levis/leve, levis M Adjective light, slight, easy, trivial
libens, libentis M Adjective willing, cheerful, glad, pleased
liberi, liberorum [m.] O (Pl.) Noun children (pl.), (sg. VOC) child
libertus, liberti [m.] O Noun freedman, ex-slave
Londinium, Londinii [n.] O Noun London
merito Adverb deservedly, rightly
militaris, militaris [m.] M Noun military man, soldier, warrior
ob Preposition on account of, for the sake of, for, instead of, …
patronus, patroni [m.] O Noun patron, advocate, defender, protector
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
plus minus Phrase still in translation
pontifex, pontificis [m.] C Noun priest, pope
Pontifex Maximus Phrase Greatest High Priest
posterus, posteri [m.] O Noun descendants (pl.), posterity, future generations/…
praeceps Adverb headlong, into danger
praeterire Other still in translation
restituo, restituis, restituere C, restitui, restitutum Verb restore, revive, bring back, make good
reus, rei [m.] O Noun party in law suit, plaintiff/defendant, culprit/g…
stipendia emereri Phrase still in translation
stipendium, stipendii [n.] O Noun tribute, stipend, pay, wages, military service
tribus, tribus [f.] U Noun third part of the people, tribe, hereditary divis…
votum solvere Phrase still in translation
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