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Vocable Translation
aqua, aquae [f.] A Noun water
ardeo, ardes, ardere E, arsi, - Verb burn
avis, avis [f.] M Noun bird, sign, omen, portent
capto, captas, captare A, captavi, captatum Verb try/long/aim for, desire, entice, hunt legacy, tr…
carpo, carpis, carpere C, carpsi, carptum Verb harvest, pluck, seize
clementia, clementiae [f.] A Noun mildness, gentleness, mercy
condicio, condicionis [f.] C Noun condition
contendo, contendis, contendere C, contendi, contendum Verb strive, struggle, contend, hasten
eo modo Phrase still in translation
fidem dare Phrase still in translation
flecto, flectis, flectere C, flexi, flexum Verb bend, curve, bow, turn, curl, persuade, prevail o…
genus, generis [n.] C Noun origin, kind, sort, class, sex, descent, race, st…
gratus/grata/gratum, AO Adjective grateful, thankful, pleasant
humanus/humana/humanum, AO Adjective human
invitus/invita/invitum, AO Adjective reluctant, unwilling, against one's will
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
lacrima, lacrimae [f.] A Noun tear, teardrop, eyewater, eyewater
mundus, mundi [m.] O Noun world
nox, noctis [f.] M Noun night
numen, numinis [n.] C Noun divine will, divinity, god
oculus, oculi [m.] O Noun eye
perago, peragis, peragere C, peregi, peractum Verb disturb, finish, kill, carry through to the end, …
poeta, poetae [m.] A Noun poet
preces, precum [f.] C (Pl.) Noun prayers, pleas
primum Adverb first, for the first time
propter Preposition on account of, Because of
sin Conjunction but if, if on the contrary
sub+Abl. Preposition below, under, beneath
tali modo Phrase still in translation
valetudo, valetudinis [f.] C Noun good health, soundness, condition of body/health,…
viam carpere Phrase still in translation
volvo, volvis, volvere C, volvi, volutum Verb roll, cause to roll, travel in circle/circuit, br…
vulnus, vulneris [n.] C Noun wound
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