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Vocable Translation
anima, animae [f.] A Noun soul, breath, spirit, life
arx, arcis [f.] M Noun castle, fortress
auctor, auctoris [m.] C Noun author, leader, supporter, originator, founder, i…
beatus/beata/beatum, AO Adjective happy, sacred, holy, blessed, blissful, "Saint" (…
civitas, civitatis [f.] C Noun state, citizenship
fatum, fati [n.] O Noun fate, death
finis, finis [m.] C Noun end, limit, border, boundary, (plural) territory
gens, gentis [f.] M Noun folk, nation, people, tribe, clan, Gentiles
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
iilō tempore Phrase at that time
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun that
iustus/iusta/iustum, AO Adjective just, right
lux, lucis [f.] C Noun light
memoria, memoriae [f.] A Noun memory, recollection
memoriae prodere Phrase still in translation
mons, montis [m.] M Noun mountain
monstro, monstras, monstrare A, monstravi, monstratum Verb show
mors, mortis [f.] C Noun death, corpse, annihilation
navis, navis [f.] M Noun boat, ship
noceo, noces, nocere E, nocui, nocitum Verb do harm, harm, injure
orbis, orbis [m.] M Noun circle, region/territory, defines circular objects
orbis terrarum Phrase the flat earth, the dome of god
parco, parcis, parcere C, peperci, parsurum Verb be lenient, spare
pareo, pares, parere E, parui, '-'um Verb be obedient, obey
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
primus, primi [m.] O Noun chiefs (pl.), nobles
regno, regnas, regnare A, regnavi, regnatum Verb reign, rule
sedes, sedis [f.] C Noun seat, home, residence, settlement, habitation, ch…
sedes beatae Phrase still in translation
sors, sortis [f.] M Noun lot, fate, oracular response
superbus/superba/superbum, AO Adjective arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
vates, vatis [m.] C Noun prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity, oracle, sooths…
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