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Vocable Translation
adulescens, adulescentis [m.] M Noun young man
aedes, aedis [f.] C Noun temple, shrine, tomb, apartment, room, house (pl.…
attingo, attingis, attingere C, attigi, attactum Verb touch, touch/border on, reach, arrive at, achieve…
canis, canis [m.] M Noun dog
committo, committis, committere C, committmisi, committmissum Verb to entrust (e.g. a task) to another, to start, to…
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
custodia, custodiae [f.] A Noun (1.) protection, custody (2.) (plural) guards
dos, dotis [f.] C Noun dowry, dower, talent, quality
ferus/fera/ferum, AO Adjective wild, savage, uncivilized, untamed, fierce
honore indignus Phrase still in translation
incredibilis/incredibile, incredibilis M Adjective incredible, extraordinary
indignus/indigna/indignum, AO Adjective unworthy, undeserving, undeserved, unbecoming, sh…
iungo, iungis, iungere C, iunxi, iunctum Verb connect
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
ludos committere Phrase still in translation
proelium committere Phrase still in translation
pudeo, pudes, pudere E, pudui, puditum Verb be ashamed, make ashamed, [me pudet => I am asham…
Pudet me flere. Phrase still in translation
Pudet me huius facinoris. Phrase still in translation
sermo, sermonis [m.] C Noun conversation, talk
solus/sola/solum, AO Adjective alone, only, the only
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