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Vocable Translation
aurum, auri [n.] O Noun gold
exter/extera/exterum, AO Adjective outer/external, outward, on outside, far, of anot…
foras Adv. Phrase still in translation
Hoc vix dicere non queo. Phrase still in translation
lumen, luminis [n.] C Noun light, light, light
maturus/matura/maturum, AO Adjective early, speedy, ripe, mature, mellow, timely, seas…
qua Adverb where, by which route
quattuor Numeral (1.) four (2.) four (3.) four
rarus/rara/rarum, AO Adjective thin, scattered, few, infrequent, rare, in small …
simul Subj. m. Ind. Phrase still in translation
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
…, si id facere non queunt. Phrase still in translation
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