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Vocable Translation
ab urbe abesse Phrase still in translation
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
centum indekl. Phrase still in translation
Difficilis/Difficilr, Difficilis M Adjective hard, difficult, troublesome
domum locare Phrase still in translation
loco, locas, locare A, locavi, locatum Verb place, put, station, arrange, contract (for), far…
longus/longa/longum, AO Adjective long
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
milium, milii [n.] O Noun thousands (pl.)
mille Sg. indekl. Phrase still in translation
moenia locare Phrase still in translation
Multa mihi absunt. Phrase still in translation
non dubito, quin m. Konj. Phrase still in translation
non dubito, quin m. Konj. Phrase still in translation
quasi Adv. Phrase still in translation
quin Adverb why not, in fact
ruri Adv. Phrase still in translation
rus, ruris [n.] C Noun the country, countryside
utilis/utile, utilis M Adjective useful, advantageous
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