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Vocable Translation
captivis vinctis Phrase still in translation
civibus providere Phrase still in translation
consulo, consulis, consulere C, consului, consultum Verb interview, survey, consult
deos consulere Phrase still in translation
e mercatore pretium quaerere Phrase still in translation
Imperator militibus praeest. Phrase still in translation
in hostes consulere Phrase still in translation
iuvo, iuvas, iuvare A, iuvi, iutum Verb help, aid, assist, please
Londinium, Londinii [n.] O Noun London
neglego, neglegis, neglegere C, neglegxi, neglegctum Verb neglect, disregard
parco, parcis, parcere C, peperci, parsurum Verb be lenient, spare
periculum providere Phrase still in translation
persuadeo, persuades, persuadere E, persuasi, persuasum Verb (1.) persuade, convince, induce (2.) make sweet, …
plebs, plebis [f.] C Noun (lower) people, folk
pro amico respondere Phrase still in translation
pro domo sedere Phrase still in translation
pro Prap. m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
provideo, provides, providere E, providi, provisum Verb foresee, provide for, make provision, with DAT
quaero, quaeris, quaerere C, quaesivi, quaesitum Verb search, research, ask
senatoribus persuadere Phrase still in translation
senex, senis [m.] C Noun old man
sociis consulere Phrase still in translation
tribunus, tribuni [m.] O Noun tribune, [~ plebis => tribune of the people, ~ ml…
vestis, vestis [f.] M Noun garment, garb, clothes
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