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Vocable Translation
accido, accidis, accidere C, accidi, - Verb fall upon/down/to/at or near, descend, alight, ha…
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
crimen, criminis [n.] C Noun crime
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
genus, generis [n.] C Noun origin, kind, sort, class, sex, descent, race, st…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
luhi, luhis [n.] U Noun cat
nego, negas, negare A, negavi, negatum Verb deny, say that...not, to deny, say that... not
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun (1.) name (2.) name, Name, Name, name, name, name…
nūllus/nūlla/nūllum, AO Adjective not any, no, none
pectus, pectoris [n.] C Noun breast, heart
rapio, rapis, rapere M, rapui, raptum Verb seize, snatch, carry away
scelus, sceleris [n.] C Noun evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
tempus, temporis [n.] C Noun time, occasion, opportunity, condition, right tim…
vulnus, vulneris [n.] C Noun wound
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