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Vocable Translation
ad basilicam esse Phrase still in translation
ad basilicam properare Phrase still in translation
ad Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
ante cenam Phrase still in translation
ante Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
ante villam Phrase still in translation
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
cum amico Phrase still in translation
cum Prap. m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
e / ex Prap. m. Abl. Adverb from out of
e patria Phrase still in translation
ex aedificio Phrase still in translation
in aqua Phrase still in translation
in aquam Phrase still in translation
in Prap. m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
in Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
indico, indicas, indicare A, indicavi, indicatum Verb point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal…
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
ornamentum, ornamenti [n.] O Noun equipment, decoration, jewel, ornament, trappings
post cenam Phrase still in translation
post Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
post villam Phrase still in translation
pretium, pretii [n.] O Noun price, value, wage, salary
probo, probas, probare A, probavi, probatum Verb test, approve, recommend
sine amico Phrase still in translation
sine Prap. m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
umbra, umbrae [f.] A Noun (1.) shade, ghost, shadow (2.) shade, shadow (3.)…
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