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Vocable Translation
Aetna Other Aetna, nymph in Sicily
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
creta, cretae [f.] A Noun (1.) clay/clayey soil, chalk, white/fuller's eart…
desidero, desideras, desiderare A, desideravi, desideratum Verb desire, long for, miss
exspecto, exspectas, exspectare A, exspectavi, exspectatum Verb expect
habito, habitas, habitare A, habitavi, habitatum Verb reside, live, dwell
ludus, ludi [m.] O Noun game, school, sport, pastime, diversion
nescio, nescis, nescire I, nescivi, nescitum Verb not to know, be ignorant
nihil Pronoun nothing
patriam desiderare Phrase still in translation
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
Sicilia, Siciliae [f.] A Noun Sicily
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
unde Adverb Whence, From what or which place, From which, Fro…
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
vulcanus, vulcani [m.] O Noun (1.) volcano (2.) Vulcan, god of fire, fire
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