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Vocable Translation
civitas, civitatis [f.] C Noun state, citizenship
deficio, deficis, deficere M, defeci, defectum Verb fail/falter, run short/out, grow weak/faint, come…
exstinguo, exstinguis, exstinguere C, exstinxi, exstinctum Verb put out, extinguish, quench, kill, destroy
item Adverb (1.) likewise, besides, also, similarly (2.) also…
mens, mentis [f.] M Noun mind, spirit, intention, purpose, attitude
posterus, posteri [m.] O Noun descendants (pl.), posterity, future generations/…
praesto, praestas, praestare A, praestiti, praestitum Verb (1.) excel (2.) exhibit, show, offer, supply, fur…
prodo, prodis, prodere C, prodidi, proditum Verb project, thrust forward, bring forth, produce, gi…
prohibeo, prohibes, prohibere E, prohibui, prohibitum Verb keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
proinde Adverb hence, so then, according to/in the same manner/d…
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
quamvis Adverb although, however much
quiesco, quiescis, quiescere C, quievi, quietum Verb rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest, be inact…
sponte mea Phrase still in translation
vis, - [f.] M Noun force, power, violence, pl. strength
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