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Vocable Translation
a iuventute Phrase still in translation
adversus, adversi [m.] O Noun person, foe opposite, directly facing (w/hostile …
auris, auris [f.] M Noun ear, hearing, a discriminating sense of hearing, …
Christianus/Christiana/Christianum, AO Adjective Christian
circumdo, circumdas, circumdare A, circumdedi, circumdatum Verb surround, envelop, post/put/place/build around, e…
converto, convertis, convertere C, converti, conversum Verb turn, convert, transform
Iesus Nazarenus Phrase Jesus of Nazareth
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
opprimo, opprimis, opprimere C, oppressi, oppressum Verb suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check
pergo, pergis, pergere C, perrexi, perrectum Verb go on, proceed
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
religio, religonis [f.] C Noun religion
respondeo, respondes, respondere E, respondi, responsum Verb respond, answer
Saulus/Paulus Other still in translation
scribo, scribis, scribere C, scripsi, scriptum Verb write
trado, tradis, tradere C, tradidi, traditum Verb hand over, surrender, deliver, bequeath, relate
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
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