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Vocable Translation
addo, addis, addere C, addidi, additum Verb add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition, in…
amicitia, amicitiae [f.] A Noun friendship
apertus/aperta/apertum, AO Adjective open, public, free, uncovered, exposed, opened, f…
augeo, auges, augere E, auxi, auctum Verb enlarge, extend, increase
cupio, cupis, cupere M, cupivi, cupitum Verb desire, wish, long for
dexter/dextera/dexterum, AO Adjective right, on/to the right hand/side, skillful/dexter…
dextra, dextrae [f.] A Noun right hand, weapon/greeting/shaking hand, right s…
Hamilcar, Hamilcaris [m.] C Noun Hamilcar Barkas
Hannibal, Hannibalis [m.] I Noun Hannibal
immortalis/immortale, immortalis M Adjective not subject to death, immortal
iuro, iuras, iurare A, iuravi, iuratum Verb swear
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
odio esse Phrase still in translation
odium, odii [n.] O Noun hatred
pello, pellis, pellere C, pepuli, pulsum Verb to chase away, to expel, slap, thrust, bump, beat…
trans+Acc. Preposition over, away from, across, beyond
verto, vertis, vertere C, verti, versum Verb turn, change, advert
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