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Vocable Translation
adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum Verb lead, prompt, induce
aer, aeris [m.] C Noun air
condo, condis, condere C, condidi, conditum Verb establish, found, put together
Crete, Cretis [f.] C Noun Crete
latus/lata/latum, AO Adjective wide, broad, spacious, extensive
mora, morae [f.] A Noun delay
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
priusquam Conjunction (1.) before, until, sooner than (2.) (3.)
retineo, retines, retinere E, retinui, retentum Verb hold back, restrain, uphold, delay, hold fast, re…
solvo, solvis, solvere C, solvi, solutum Verb to loosen, unbind, unfasten, unfetter, untie, rel…
somnus, somni [m.] O Noun sleep
unda, undae [f.] A Noun wave, billow, water, sea
vehemens, vehementis M Adjective violent, severe, vehement, emphatic, vigorous, li…
vito, vitas, vitare A, vitavi, vitatum Verb avoid, shun
volo, volas, volare A, volavi, volatum Verb fly, wish, want
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