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Vocable Translation
animal, animalis [n.] I Noun a living creature, animal
bis Adverb twice
caput, capitis [n.] C Noun head, leader, beginning, life, heading, chapter
duo Numeral (1.) two of (2.) two (3.) two of (4.) two (5.) two
duodecim Numeral (1.) twelve (2.) 12, twelve (3.) 12, twelve
fugio, fugis, fugere M, fugi, fugiturum Verb flee, fly, run away, avoid, shun, go into exile
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
moene, moenis [n.] I Noun defensive/town walls (pl.), bulwarks, fortificati…
navis, navis [f.] M Noun boat, ship
noli Phrase Do not
numerus, numeri [m.] O Noun number, count, rank, company
nuper Adverb newly, lately, recently, not long ago
turris, turris [f.] I Noun tower, high building, palace, citadel, dove tower…
viginti Other 20, twenty
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