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Vocable Translation
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
deinde Conjunction then, then/next/afterward, thereon/henceforth/fro…
denique Adverb finally, in the end, and then, at worst, in short…
dignus/digna/dignum, AO Adjective appropriate/suitable, worthy, deserving, meriting…
excito, excitas, excitare A, excitavi, excitatum Verb wake up, stir up, cause, raise, erect, incite, ex…
flagitium, flagitii [n.] O Noun shame, disgrace, scandal, shameful act, outrage, …
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
infelix, infelicis M Adjective unfortunate, unhappy, wretched, unlucky, inauspic…
insto, instas, instare A, institi, - Verb pursue, threaten, approach, press hard, be close …
iterum atque iterum Phrase still in translation
obicio, obicis, obicere M, objeci, objectum Verb Expose (to danger), throw before/to, cast, object…
perterreo, perterres, perterrere E, perterrui, perterritum Verb frighten greatly, terrify
supplicium, supplicii [n.] O Noun punishment, suffering, supplication, torture
tego, tegis, tegere C, texi, tectum Verb cover
telum, teli [n.] O Noun (1.) (projectile) weapon, spear (2.) Dart
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