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Vocable Translation
arena, arenae [f.] A Noun arena, sand, sandy land or desert, seashore, aren…
atque/ac Other still in translation
cesso, cessas, cessare A, cessavi, cessatum Verb be remiss/inactive, hold back, leave off, delay, …
conspectus, conspectus [m.] U Noun view, (range of) sight, aspect/appearance/look, p…
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
equidem Adverb truly, indeed, for my part
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
incipio, incipis, incipere M, coepi, coeptum Verb start
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
laedo, laedis, laedere C, laesi, laesum Verb hurt
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
sollicito, sollicitas, sollicitare A, sollicitavi, sollicitatum Verb disturb, worry, stir up, arouse, agitate, incite
turbo, turbas, turbare A, turbavi, turbatum Verb disturb, agitate, throw into confusion
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