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Vocable Translation
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, agreeable
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun that
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
Mars, Martis [m.] M Noun Mars, Roman god of war, warlike spirit, fighting,…
memoria, memoriae [f.] A Noun memory, recollection
memoria tenere Phrase Keep in mind
sino, sinis, sinere C, sivi, situm Verb allow, permit
taberna, tabernae [f.] A Noun tavern, inn, wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel, stall/…
umerus, umeri [m.] O Noun upper arm, shoulder
umquam Adverb ever, at any time, sometime
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