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Vocable Translation
acer/acris/acre, acris M Adjective sharpest, bitterest, sharp, keen, fierce
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
animal, animalis [n.] I Noun a living creature, animal
Athenae, Athenarum [f.] A Noun Athens (pl.)
autem Conjunction (1.) however (2.) but (put after), however (3.) h…
careo, cares, carere E, carui, cariturusum Verb (1.) be without, be deprived of, want, lack (2.) …
carmen, carminis [n.] C Noun song, poem
Carthago, Carthaginis [f.] C Noun Carthage
civis, civis [m.] I Noun citizen, fellow citizen
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
dictum, dicti [n.] O Noun (1.) words, utterance, remark (2.) one's word, pr…
difficulter Adverb (1.) with difficulty, reluctantly (2.) with diffi…
domus, domi [m.] O Noun house, building, home, household, [domi => at hom…
facile Adverb easily
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quic…
felix, felicis M Adjective lucky, successful, fortunate, happy
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
homo, hominis [m.] I Noun human being, man
hostis, hostis [m.] M Noun enemy
infelix, infelicis M Adjective unfortunate, unhappy, wretched, unlucky, inauspic…
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
inter Preposition (1.) between (2.) in between, among themselves
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
libero, liberas, liberare A, liberavi, liberatum Verb (1.) to liberate, to free (2.) free, liberate (3.…
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
mens, mentis [f.] M Noun mind, spirit, intention, purpose, attitude
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
moenia, moenium [n.] I (Pl.) Noun (city) walls
numquam Adverb never
omnino Adverb (1.) entirely, altogether, utterly (2.) at all, i…
omnis/omne, omnis M Adjective each, every, all
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
rex, regis [m.] C Noun king
Roma, Romae [f.] A Noun Rome
rus, ruris [n.] C Noun the country, countryside
servitus, servitutis [f.] C Noun servitude, slavery
sub Preposition (1.) behind, at the feet of, within, at the appro…
timor, timoris [m.] C Noun anxiety, fear
umquam Adverb ever, at any time, sometime
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
vis, - [f.] M Noun force, power, violence, pl. strength
vivo, vivis, vivere C, vixi, victurum Verb be alive, live, survive, reside
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