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Vocable Translation
aegroto, aegrotas, aegrotare A, aegrotavi, aegrotatum Verb be sick, be distressed/mentally/morally ill, be a…
beatus/beata/beatum, AO Adjective happy, sacred, holy, blessed, blissful, "Saint" (…
casa, casae [f.] A Noun house, cottage, hut
clamo, clamas, clamare A, clamavi, clamatum Verb shout, call
cresco, crescis, crescere C, crevi, cretum Verb increase, come forth/to be, arise/spring (from), …
cubiculum, cubiculi [n.] O Noun bedroom, sleeping chamber/apartment/suite
culina, culinae [f.] A Noun kitchen, portable kitchen, food/fare/board, cooki…
curo, curas, curare A, curavi, curatum Verb care (for sb.)
custodio, custodis, custodire I, custodivi, custoditum Verb guard, protect, preserve, watch over, keep safe, …
diligo, diligis, diligere C, dilexi, dilectum Verb esteem, love
iuvo, iuvas, iuvare A, iuvi, iutum Verb help, aid, assist, please
latro, latronis [m.] C Noun robber, brigand, bandit, plunderer
lupa, lupae [f.] A Noun she-wolf, prostitute
nutrio, nutris, nutrire I, nutrivi, nutritum Verb suckle. breast feed, nourish/feed/fuel, supply, b…
occultao, occultas, occultare A, occultavi, occultatum Verb hide, conceal
pastor, pastoris [m.] C Noun shepherd, herdsman
perterreo, perterres, perterrere E, perterrui, perterritum Verb frighten greatly, terrify
perterritus/perterrita/perterritum, AO Adjective very frightened, thoroughly frightened, completel…
quaero, quaeris, quaerere C, quaesivi, quaesitum Verb search, research, ask
rapio, rapis, rapere M, rapui, raptum Verb seize, snatch, carry away
rumor, rumoris [m.] C Noun rumor, gossip
ululo, ululas, ululare A, ululavi, ululatum Verb howl, yell, shriek, celebrate or proclaim with ho…
vacca, vaccae [f.] A Noun cow
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