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Vocable Translation
ancilla, ancillae [f.] A Noun maid
antiquus/antiqua/antiquum, AO Adjective ancient, old-time, antique
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
canto, cantas, cantare A, cantavi, cantatum Verb sing, play (roles/music), recite, praise, celebra…
centum Numeral 100, hundred, one hundred, C (roman numerals)
ceterus/cetera/ceterum, AO Adjective remaining, rest
cur Adverb why?, why, wherefore, for what reason/purpose?, o…
dominus, domini [m.] U Noun a master, possessor, ruler, lord, proprietor, an …
dormio, dormis, dormire I, dormivi, dormitum Verb sleep
duo Numeral (1.) two of (2.) two (3.) two of (4.) two (5.) two
ecce Interjection behold!, see!, look!, there!, here! [ecce eum => …
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
et Conjunction and, also
exemplum, exempli [n.] O Noun example
familia, familiae [f.] A Noun family
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
filia, filiae [f.] A Noun daughter
filius, filii [m.] O Noun son
fluvius, fluvii [m.] O Noun river, stream, running water, River
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
iam Adverb already, (by) now, (by) then, presently
imperium, imperii [n.] O Noun Empire, Authority, order, command
improbus/improba/improbum, AO Adjective wicked, flagrant, morally unsound, greedy, rude, …
insula, insulae [f.] A Noun island
interrogo, interrogas, interrogare A, interrogavi, interrogatum Verb ask, interview, interrogate
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
laetus/laeta/laetum, AO Adjective (1.) happy, cheerful, joyful, glad (2.) successfu…
liber, libri [m.] O Noun book, volume, inner bark of a tree, book, book
liberi, liberorum [m.] O (Pl.) Noun children (pl.), (sg. VOC) child
littera, litterae [f.] A Noun a letter of the alphabet, (plural) a letter, lite…
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
mamma, mammae [f.] A Noun breast, udder
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
meus/mea/meum, AO Adjective my
mille, milis [n.] I Noun thousand, thousands (men/things), miles, [~ passu…
multus/multa/multum, AO Adjective many
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new, fresh, young, unusual, extraordinary, (novae…
numerus, numeri [m.] O Noun number, count, rank, company
Oceanus, Oceani [m.] O Noun Ocean
oppidum, oppidi [n.] O Noun town, city
pagina, paginae [f.] A Noun page, sheet
Parvus/Parva/Parvum, Parvi M Adjective small, little
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
paucus/pauca/paucum, AO Adjective little, small in quantity/extent, few (usu. pl.),…
pensum, pensi [n.] O Noun (1.) (symbolically) give much thought of, have ca…
persona, personae [f.] A Noun mask, character, personality
ploro, ploras, plorare A, ploravi, ploratum Verb cry over, cry aloud, lament, weep, deplore
primus/prima/primum, AO Adjective first, foremost, chief, principal
probus/proba/probum, AO Adjective good, honest
provincia, provinciae [f.] A Noun province
puella, puellae [f.] A Noun girl
puer, pueri [m.] O Noun boy, children (plural)
pulso, pulsas, pulsare A, pulsavi, pulsatum Verb beat, pulsate
qui, quae, quod Pronoun who, which, what, that,
quia Conjunction (1.) because, that (2.) because (3.) because (4.)…
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quis, quid Pronoun who, what
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
quot Particle how many?
respondeo, respondes, respondere E, respondi, responsum Verb respond, answer
rideo, rides, ridere E, risi, risum Verb to laugh
scaena, scaenae [f.] A Noun theater stage, "boards", scene, theater, public s…
secundus/secunda/secundum, AO Adjective second, favorable
sed Conjunction but
servus, servi [m.] O Noun slave, servant
tertius, -a, -um Numeral third
titulus, tituli [m.] O Noun title (person/book), label, heading, placard/tabl…
tres, tra, tria Numeral three
tuus/tua/tuum, AO Adjective your
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
verbero, verberas, verberare A, verberavi, verberatum Verb beat, strike, lash
verbum, verbi [n.] O Noun word
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man, hero, husband
voco, vocas, vocare A, vocavi, vocatum Verb (1.) shout, call (2.) summon (3.) name
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