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Vocable Translation
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
ante Preposition (1.) before, in front of (2.) before, previously,…
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
cum + Indikativ Präs./Perf. Preposition when
ex, e Other out of, from within, from, by reason of, on accou…
in+Abl. Preposition in, on
indico, indicas, indicare A, indicavi, indicatum Verb point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
ornamentum, ornamenti [n.] O Noun equipment, decoration, jewel, ornament, trappings
post+Acc. Preposition after, behind, later, afterwards
pretium, pretii [n.] O Noun price, value, wage, salary
probo, probas, probare A, probavi, probatum Verb test, approve, recommend
sine Preposition without
umbra, umbrae [f.] A Noun (1.) shade, ghost, shadow (2.) shade, shadow (3.)…
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