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Vocable Translation
ac / atque Phrase and, and also
autem Conjunction (1.) however (2.) but (put after), however, moreo…
cito Adverb quickly, fast, rapidly
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
cur Adverb why?, why, wherefore, for what reason/purpose?, o…
deinde Conjunction then, then/next/afterward, thereon/henceforth/fro…
diu Adverb long (time), for a long time
dum Conjunction (1.) during, as long as, until, while (2.) while,…
et Conjunction and, also
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
frustra Adverb in vain, for nothing, to no purpose
inde Adverb hence, henceforth, from that place/time/cause, th…
interdum Adverb sometimes, now and then
itaque Conjunction (1.) because of, therefore, and so, accordingly, …
nam Conjunction namely, because, since, for
nimis Adverb very much, too much, exceedingly, Too much
numquam Adverb never
postea Adverb afterwards, Afterwards
postquam Conjunction after
primum Adverb first, for the first time
quia Conjunction (1.) because, that (2.) because (3.) because (4.)…
quo Adverb to where, whither
quod Conjunction (1.) for the reason that, due to the fact that, a…
quondam Adverb formerly, once, at one time, some day, hereafter
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
raro Adverb seldom, rare
saepe Adverb often
sed Conjunction but
si Conjunction if, If
sic Adverb (1.) so, this, still, in this way (2.) Thus, Just…
simul Adverb (1.) simultaneously, at the same time (2.) at the…
statim Adverb at once, immediately, Immediately
tandem Adverb finally, eventually, at last, after all, Finally,…
tum Adverb then, at that time
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