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Vocable Translation
Ad huc Adverb here, to this place, to this point
ad portum fugere Phrase still in translation
ad Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
ad rem publicam accedere Phrase still in translation
ad rem publicam admittere Phrase still in translation
ad Tartarum demittere Phrase still in translation
ad tempu Phrase still in translation
ad+Acc. Preposition to, toward
adae Pronoun Adams
adaeque Adverb equally, to same extent, so much, also, likewise,…
adamussim Adverb exactly/precisely, accurately, with precision, ac…
adcedenter Adverb nearly
adcubo Adverb in a prone/recumbent position
adeo Adverb to such a degree/pass/point, precisely, exactly, …
adeo Adv. Phrase still in translation
Aderam, priusquam venisti. Phrase still in translation
adest Adverb is here, right here
adfatim Adverb sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction
adfectato Adverb studiously, zealously
adfirmanter Adverb certainly, assuredly, with assurance
adfirmate Adverb with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, posit…
adgeratim Adverb in heaps/piles
adgestim Adverb in heaps, abundantly
adhaese Adverb stammeringly, in a tongued-tied manner
adhoc Adverb thus far, till now, to this point, hitherto, yet,…
adhuc Adverb yet, so far, still, thus far, till now, to this p…
adhuc Adv. Adverb still in translation
adhucine Adverb still? yet? (interog.) (adhuc ne)
adinvicem Adverb in turn, by turns, on after the other, alternatel…
aditus, aditus m Phrase still in translation