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Vocable Translation
ardeo, ardes, ardere E, arsi, - Verb burn
credo, credis, credere C, credidi, creditum Verb believe, trust, trust, entrust, commit/consign, b…
erro, erras, errare A, erravi, erratum Verb wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
inde Adv. Phrase still in translation
interire Other still in translation
noli me tangere Phrase (1.) do not touch me (2.) It is completed.
nolo, non vis, nolle IR, nolui, - Verb be unwilling, wish not, want not, refuse
oro, oras, orare A, oravi, oratum Verb pray, beg
praebeo, praebes, praebere E, praebui, praebitum Verb offer, provide
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promittmisi, promittmissum Verb send forth, promise
scientia, scientiae [f.] A Noun knowledge
spero, speras, sperare A, speravi, speratum Verb hope for, hope, to hope, to expect, to hope, to e…
taceo, taces, tacere E, tacui, tacitum Verb be silent, leave unmentioned
tollo, tollis, tollere C, sustuli, sublatum Verb raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
usui esse Phrase still in translation
usus, usus [m.] U Noun use, benefit, advantage
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
veritas, veritatis [f.] C Noun truth
verus/vera/verum, AO Adjective true, real, proper
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