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Vocable Translation
multi/multae/multa, AO Adjective much, many
a, ab+Abl. Preposition by, of, from
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
aedificium, aedificii [n.] O Noun building, house
aeger/aegra/aegrum, AO Adjective ill
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
Agricola, Agricolae [m.] A Noun farmer, peasant
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb love
ara, arae [f.] A Noun altar
architectus, architecti [m.] O Noun architect, master-builder, inventor, designer, ma…
ave Interjection hail!, formal expression of greetings, hail, hail
Bene Adverb well
benignus/benigna/benignum, AO Adjective kind, favorable, obliging, kindly, mild, affable,…
bonus/bona/bonum, AO Adjective (1.) good, great, pleasant, favorable, valuable (…
carmen, carminis [n.] C Noun song, poem
cena, cenae [f.] A Noun food, meal, dinner
cibus, cibi [m.] O Noun Food, Ration
civitas, civitatis [f.] C Noun state, citizenship
cliens, clientis [m.] M Noun customer (modern sense)
comes, comitis [m.] C Noun companion, friend
condo, condis, condere C, condidi, conditum Verb establish, found, put together
consto, constas, constare A, constiti, constatum Verb agree, correspond, fit, be correct, be dependent,…
construo, construis, construere C, construxi, constructum Verb heap/pile/load (up), make/build/construct, arrang…
contubernalis, contubernalis [m.] M Noun tent mate, comrade-in-arms, staff trainee, compan…
coquo, coquis, coquere C, coxi, coctum Verb cook, boil, fry, bake, burn, parch (sun), stir up…
coquus, coqui [m.] O Noun cook
cotidie Adverb daily, every day, day by day, usually, ordinarily…
crustulum, crustuli [n.] O Noun small cake/pastry, cookie, confectionery (L+S)
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
debeo, debes, debere E, debui, debitum Verb owe, ought, must
decem Numeral ten
disco, discis, discere C, didici, discitum Verb learn, hear, get to know, become acquainted with,…
discipula, discipulae [f.] A Noun student, pupil
discipulus, discipuli [m.] O Noun student, pupil
doceo, doces, docere E, docui, doctum Verb teach
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
dormio, dormis, dormire I, dormivi, dormitum Verb sleep
duo Numeral (1.) two of (2.) two (3.) two of (4.) two (5.) two
ebrius/ebria/ebrium, AO Adjective drunk, intoxicated, riotous, like a drunk, exhila…
emo, emis, emere C, emi, emptum Verb buy, purchase
epistula, epistulae [f.] A Noun letter
sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
et Conjunction and, also
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
familia, familiae [f.] A Noun family
familiaris/familiare, familiaris M Adjective domestic, of family, intimate, [familiaris res =>…
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
fessus/fessa/fessum, AO Adjective exhausted, tired
fortasse Adverb perhaps, possibly, it may be, Perhaps
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
frater, fratris [m.] C Noun brother, cousin
gladiator, gladiatoris [m.] C Noun gladiator
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
habito, habitas, habitare A, habitavi, habitatum Verb reside, live, dwell
histrio, histrionis [m.] C Noun actor, performer in pantomime
hodie Adverb today, now, at the present, nowadays
ignavus/ignava/ignavum, AO Adjective lazy/idle/sluggish, spiritless, cowardly, faint-h…
impius/impia/impium, AO Adjective wicked, impious, irreverent, ungodly, showing no …
in+Abl. Preposition in, on
interdum Adverb sometimes, now and then
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
eo, is, ire IR, ii, - Verb go
ita Adverb so, in such a way, thus
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
iter, itineris [n.] C Noun journey, route, way, passage
iuvenis, iuvenis [m.] M Noun young man, juvenile
laetus/laeta/laetum, AO Adjective happy, cheerful
Latina, Latinae [f.] A Noun Latin (lingua/language), Latin Way (via)
lectio, lectionis [f.] C Noun reading (aloud), perusal, choosing, lecture (Bee)…
lectus, lecti [m.] O Noun bed, couch, lounge, sofa, bridal bed
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
liber, libri [m.] O Noun book, volume, inner bark of a tree, book, book
lingua, linguae [f.] A Noun language, tongue
littera, litterae [f.] A Noun a letter of the alphabet, (plural) a letter, lite…
longus/longa/longum, AO Adjective long
Ludus, Ludi [m.] O Noun School, Games
magister, magistri [m.] O Noun teacher
magistra, magistrae [f.] A Noun school mistress, teacher, mistress
male Adverb bad, badly
maritus, mariti [m.] O Noun Husband, Wife, husband
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
medica, medicae [f.] A Noun doctor, physician
medicus, medici [m.] O Noun doctor
mercator, mercatoris [m.] C Noun trader, merchant
meus/mea/meum, AO Adjective my
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
minime Adverb (1.) by no means, anything but, not at all (2.) l…
miser/misera/miserum, AO Adjective poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, …
natus, natus [m.] U Noun birth, age, years [minor natu => younger, major n…
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun (1.) name (2.) name, Name, Name, name, name, name…
non Adverb (1.) not (2.) no, not (3.) no, not (4.) not (5.) …
noster/nostra/nostrum, AO Adjective our, ours
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new
numerus, numeri [m.] O Noun number, count, rank, company
nummus, nummi [m.] O Noun coin, cash, money, sesterce
nunc Adverb now, at present
oliva, olivae [f.] A Noun olive, olive tree
otiosus/otiosa/otiosum, AO Adjective idle, unemployed, unoccupied, at leisure, peacefu…
paedagogus, paedagogi [m.] O Noun slave, who accompanied children to school, pedago…
panis, paniis [m.] C Noun bread
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
pater familias Phrase father of the family
patronus, patroni [m.] O Noun (1.) patron (2.) patron, advocate, defender, prot…
pecunia, pecuniae [f.] A Noun money
perfidus/perfida/perfidum, AO Adjective faithless, treacherous, false, deceitful
peritus/perita/peritum, AO Adjective skilled, skillful, experienced, expert, with gen
pictor, pictoris [m.] C Noun painter
pingo, pingis, pingere C, pinxi, pictum Verb paint, tint, color, adorn/decorate w/colored desi…
pistor, pistoris [m.] C Noun pounder of far (emmer wheat), miller/baker
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
placeo, places, placere E, placui, placitum Verb please, satisfy, be pleasing
placidus/placida/placidum, AO Adjective gentle, calm, mild, peaceful, placid
poeta, poetae [m.] A Noun poet
porto, portas, portare A, portavi, portatum Verb Carry, bring
prandium, prandii [n.] O Noun lunch
professor, professoris [m.] C Noun Professor
psittacus, psittaci [m.] O Noun parrot
puella, puellae [f.] A Noun girl
puer, pueri [m.] O Noun boy, children (plural)
pugno, pugnas, pugnare A, pugnavi, pugnatum Verb fight, battle
pulcher/pulchra/pulchrum, AO Adjective beautiful, pretty
quantus/quanta/quantum, AO Adjective how large, how great, how much
quattuor Numeral (1.) four (2.) four (3.) four
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quinque Numeral five
quis, quid Pronoun who, what
quo Adverb to where, whither
quomodo Adverb (1.) how, in what way, just as (2.) how, in which…
quoque Conjunction (1.) also, too (put after), Also, As well as (2.)…
quot Particle how many?
ratiocinator, ratiocinatoris [m.] C Noun calculator, accountant
Roma, Romae [f.] A Noun Rome
ruber/rubra/rubrum, AO Adjective red, ruddy, painted red, [Rubrum Mare => Red Sea,…
sacer/sacra/sacrum, AO Adjective sacred, holy, consecrated, accursed, horrible, de…
sacrifico, sacrificas, sacrificare A, sacrificavi, sacrificatum Verb sacrifice
salutatio, salutationis [f.] C Noun greeting, salutation, formal morning call paid by…
salve Interjection Hello!, Hi!, Good day!, G'day!
sano, sanas, sanare A, sanavi, sanatum Verb cure, heal, correct, quiet
sanus/sana/sanum, AO Adjective healthy, reasonable
scaena, scaenae [f.] A Noun theater stage, "boards", scene, theater, public s…
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
scribo, scribis, scribere C, scripsi, scriptum Verb write
sed Conjunction but
senex, senis [m.] C Noun old man
senilis/senile, senilis M Adjective senile, aged
sententia, sententiae [f.] A Noun feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
sepulchrum, sepulchri [n.] O Noun grave, tomb
servo, servas, servare A, servavi, servatum Verb preserve, save, keep, guard
severus/severa/severum, AO Adjective stern, strict, severe, grave, austere, weighty, s…
socius, socii [m.] O Noun companion, ally
sollicitus/sollicita/sollicitum, AO Adjective concerned, worried, upset, troubled, disturbed, a…
solus/sola/solum, AO Adjective alone, only, the only
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
studeo, studes, studere E, studui, - Verb direct one's zeal, be eager for, study
tabellarius, tabellarii [m.] O Noun letter-carrier, courier
taberna, tabernae [f.] A Noun tavern, inn, wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel, stall/…
tacitus/tacita/tacitum, AO Adjective silent, secret
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
theatrum, theatri [n.] O Noun Theatre
tres Numeral three
triginta Adjective 30, thirty
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
unde Adverb Whence, From what or which place, From which, Fro…
universitas, universitatis [f.] C Noun universe, sum of all things, whole, over-all aspe…
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
uxor, uxoris [f.] C Noun wife
Vale Interjection Goodbye, Farewell!, Greetings!
vates, vatis [m.] C Noun prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity, oracle, sooths…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
vendo, vendis, vendere C, vendidi, venditum Verb sell
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
vester/vestra/vestrum, AO Adjective your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you
viginti Other 20, twenty
vinum, vini [n.] O Noun wine
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man
visito, visitas, visitare A, visitavi, visitatum Verb visit, call upon, see frequently/habitually
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