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Vocable Translation
accuso, accusas, accusare A, accusavi, accusatum Verb accuse, indict
appareo, appares, apparere E, apparui, apparum Verb appear, come out, become clear, become evident
barba, barbae [f.] A Noun beard/ whiskers, large unkempt beard (pl.), [Jovi…
causa, causae [f.] A Noun reason, cause, case, situation
censeo, censes, censere E, censui, censum Verb think/suppose, judge, recommend, decree, vote, de…
consuetudo, consuetudinis [f.] C Noun habit/custom/usage/way, normal/general/customary …
culpa, culpae [f.] A Noun fault
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
exsulto, exsultas, exsultare A, exsultavi, exsultatum Verb rejoice, boast, exalt, jump about, let oneself go
faber, fabri [m.] O Noun workman, artisan, smith, carpenter
gratuito Adverb gratis, without pay, for naught, gratuitously, fo…
iacto, iactas, iactare A, iactavi, iactatum Verb To throw
idem, eadem, idem Demonstrative Pronoun (1.) equal to, the same, similar to (2.) the same…
iniuria, iniuriae [f.] A Noun injustice, injury
iudicium, iudicii [n.] O Noun judgement, decision, opinion, trial
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
misericordia, misericordiae [f.] A Noun compassion, pity, sympathy
mos, moris [m.] C Noun habit, custom, manner, (plural) habits, character
nummus, nummi [m.] O Noun coin, cash, money, sesterce
periculosus/periculosa/periculosum, AO Adjective dangerous, hazardous, perilous, threatening
pila, pilae [f.] A Noun ball (play/decorative), sphere, mortar, vessel in…
procax, procacis M Adjective pushing, impudent, undisciplined, frivolous
rado, radis, radere C, rasi, rasum Verb shave, scratch, scrape, coast by
repono, reponis, reponere C, reposui, repositum Verb put back, restore, store, repeat
respondeo, respondes, respondere E, respondi, responsum Verb respond, answer
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
sella, sellae [f.] A Noun seat (usu. no back/arms), stool, chair, chair of …
studium, studii [n.] O Noun zeal, enthusiasm, excitement, study
summus/summa/summum, AO Adjective (1.) highest, furthest, top (of) (2.) last, final
tondeo, tondes, tondere E, totondi, tonsum Verb cut, shear, clip
tracto, tractas, tractare A, tractavi, tractatum Verb draw, haul, pull, drag about, handle, manage, tre…
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
vesper, vesperi [m.] O Noun evening, evening star, west, [sub vesperum => tow…
volo, volas, volare A, volavi, volatum Verb fly, wish, want
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