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Vocable Translation
abduco, abducis, abducere C, abduxi, abductum Verb lead away, carry off, detach, attract away, entic…
admitto, admittis, admittere C, admisi, admissum Verb admit, receive, let in
antepono, anteponis, anteponere C, anteposui, antepositum Verb put before, prefer
artificium, artificii [n.] O Noun artwork, craft, skill
aula, aulae [f.] A Noun hall, church, temple, palace, castle, inner/royal…
clamor, clamoris [m.] C Noun shout, outcry/protest, loud shouting (approval/jo…
convoco, convocas, convocare A, convocavi, convocatum Verb call, bring together, assemble, convoke, convene,…
copia, copiae [f.] A Noun supply, inventory, stock, troops (pl), abundance
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
dea, deae [f.] A Noun god (f.), saint (f.), goddess
deduco, deducis, deducere C, deduxi, deductum Verb lead, draw, pull, bring, stretch down/away/out/of…
disco, discis, discere C, didici, discitum Verb learn, hear, get to know, become acquainted with,…
discordia, discordiae [f.] A Noun (1.) misunderstanding, argue, discord, strife (2.…
dolus, doli [m.] O Noun trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunni…
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
dulcis/dulce, dulcis M Adjective cute, sweet, kind
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
impello, impellis, impellere C, impuli, impulsum Verb drive, persuade, impel, urge on, action, push, th…
impero, imperas, imperare A, imperavi, imperatum Verb command, rule
includo, includis, includere C, inclusi, inclusum Verb lock (into)
infestus/infesta/infestum, AO Adjective unsafe, dangerous, hostile, disturbed, molested, …
iudico, iudicas, iudicare A, iudicavi, iudicatum Verb judge, consider, give judgment, sentence, conclud…
labor, laboris [m.] C Noun work, effort
moneo, mones, monere E, monui, monitum Verb urge, warn, remind, advice
mortalis/mortale, mortalis M Adjective mortal
nubo, nubis, nubere C, nupsi, nuptum Verb (1.) cover, veil (2.) (with dat.) to be married t…
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
ob Preposition on account of, for the sake of, for, instead of, …
otiosus/otiosa/otiosum, AO Adjective idle, unemployed, unoccupied, at leisure, peacefu…
pecus, pecoris [n.] C Noun cattle, herd, flock
periculum, periculi [n.] O Noun danger, risk
peritus/perita/peritum, AO Adjective skilled, skillful, experienced, expert, with gen
piger/pigra/pigrum, AO Adjective lazy, slow, dull
praeter Preposition besides, except, contrary to, beyond (rank), in f…
prior, prioris [m.] C Noun ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, peopl…
regno, regnas, regnare A, regnavi, regnatum Verb reign, rule
silva, silvae [f.] A Noun forest
socius, socii [m.] O Noun companion, ally
spero, speras, sperare A, speravi, speratum Verb hope for, hope, to hope, to expect, to hope, to e…
spes, spei [f.] E Noun hope, expectation, ||Spes, goddess of hope, hope …
terror, terroris [m.] C Noun terror, panic, alarm, fear
urgeo, urges, urgere E, ursi, - Verb press, squeeze, bear hard/down, tread, traverse c…
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