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Vocable Translation
ad rem publicam accedere Phrase still in translation
bibo, bibis, bibere C, bibi, - Verb drink
commodum, commodi [n.] O Noun convenience, advantage, benefit, interest, profit…
consisto, consistis, consistere C, constiti, constitum Verb stop, stand, halt, cease, pause, linger, stop spr…
contrarius/contraria/contrarium, AO Adjective opposite, contrary, in contradiction, antithetica…
contumelia, contumeliae [f.] A Noun indignity, affront, abuse/insult, insulting langu…
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
fere Adverb approximately, closely, quite, entirely, altogeth…
gigno, gignis, gignere C, genui, genitum Verb give birth to, bring forth, bear, beget, be born …
impleo, imples, implere E, implevi, impletum Verb fill up, satisfy, fulfill, fill, finish, complete…
incito, incitas, incitare A, incitavi, incitatum Verb (1.) encourage (2.) enrage, urge on, inspire, aro…
inscribo, inscribis, inscribere C, inscripsi, inscriptum Verb write on/in, inscribe, brand, record as, entitle
ita Adverb so, in such a way
lacero, laceras, lacerare A, laceravi, laceratum Verb mangle, slander, torment, harass, waste, destroy,…
liber, libri [m.] O Noun book, volume, inner bark of a tree, book, book
luceo, luces, lucere E, luxi, - Verb shine, emit light (heavenly body), dawn, cause to…
molestia, molestiae [f.] A Noun trouble, annoyance
nihil nisi Phrase still in translation
nisi Conjunction if not, except, unless
nūllus/nūlla/nūllum, AO Adjective not any, no, none
obviam Adverb against, towards
officium, officii [n.] O Noun duty, service
quare Adverb (1.) in what way? how? by which means, whereby, w…
quies, quietis [f.] C Noun quiet, calm, rest, peace, sleep
quo Adverb to where, whither
sapiens, sapientis M Adjective rational, sane, of sound mind, wise, judicious, u…
senatus, senatus [m.] U Noun senate
sollicito, sollicitas, sollicitare A, sollicitavi, sollicitatum Verb disturb, worry, stir up, arouse, agitate, incite
suppedito, suppeditas, suppeditare A, suppeditavi, suppeditatum Verb be/make available when/as required, supply with/n…
tantopere Adverb so much, so hard
tantum Adverb so much, so far, hardly, only
tranquillitas, tranquillitatis [f.] C Noun stillness, tranquility
tranquillus/tranquilla/tranquillum, AO Adjective quiet, calm
utilitas, utilitatis [f.] C Noun usefulness, advantage
vero Conjunction (1.) verily, truly, indeed (2.) but (3.) but, yes…
voluptas, voluptatis [f.] C Noun pleasure
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